Step Two Hundred and Eighty-One

Step 281. Above All Else I Seek Knowledge.
Above all else seek Knowledge, for Knowledge will give you all else that you need. You will seek Knowledge with total conviction when you realize that any other avenue of endeavor and any other use of your mind and body will be hopeless and will lead you into greater confusion. For without Knowledge, you can only learn that you need Knowledge, and with Knowledge, all true learning will proceed. Your past has already taught you the great need for Knowledge. You need not learn this again and again. Why repeat the same lesson over and over, thinking that it will yield for you a different result?

Of yourself you can do nothing. Without Knowledge you can only generate more imagination. Therefore, there is one answer to your one greatest need, and the one answer will meet all other needs that emanate from your one great need. Your need is fundamental and the response to your need is fundamental. There is no complexity here, for in essence you need Knowledge to live meaningfully. You need Knowledge to advance. You need Knowledge to realize your True Self. You need Knowledge to fulfill your destiny in the world. Without Knowledge, you will simply wander around and come once again to realize that you need Knowledge.

This is a day of thanksgiving, for your prayers have been answered. Your need has been responded to. The gift has been given to you to reclaim your Knowledge. Above all else seek that which will serve everything through you. In this, your need and the remedy for your life will become simple, and you will be able to proceed in certainty and patience, becoming a consistent student of Knowledge. Day by day you are reclaiming your True Self. Day by day you are escaping all else that seeks to pull you into the darkness of confusion. Day by day that which is unreal begins to disintegrate and that which is genuine begins to emerge.

Upon the hour today remember and affirm this great truth— that you seek Knowledge above all else. In your deeper meditation practices, allow yourself to enter stillness. Allow your life to be transformed. Allow Knowledge to emerge so that you may be a vehicle for its expression, for in this you will find happiness.

 281: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

March 16, 2014 Round One: I do realize my great need for Knowledge and that Knowledge is what I seek above all else.

"you need Knowledge to live meaningfully. You need Knowledge to advance. You need Knowledge to realize your True Self. You need Knowledge to fulfill your destiny in the world. Without Knowledge, you will simply wander around and come once again to realize that you need Knowledge."

I believe I have stopped wandering around and do indeed realize my true and deep need for Knowledge. Without Knowledge I am stumbling in the dark, Knowledge is the steady beacon of light that leads me to the Truth.

May 18, 2015 Round Two: In the current session of the Free School of the New Message called “Knowledge and Spiritual Practice,” we are asked to read and contemplate a revelation called The Power of Knowledge.” This revelation says: "The problem not that Knowledge is difficult to find. The question is, 'Do you really want it?'" And we are asked, "How do you feel about this?" 

I can answer this question by saying that I feel very positive about this. I really do want Knowledge and realize there is no other worthy avenue of pursuit. As it says here:

“You will seek Knowledge with total conviction when you realize that any other avenue of endeavor and any other use of your mind and body will be hopeless and will lead you into greater confusion.”

So I am seeking Knowledge with total conviction today.

April 15, 2019 Round Three: This is a day of thanksgiving, for my prayers have been answered. My need has been responded to. The gift has been given to me to reclaim my Knowledge. I delight in these words, for I am applying them to my current situation and feeling I will hear what I want to hear when I talk to my employer today. We shall see.


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