Step Ninety-One

Path to Compassion, photography of Lenny Foster

Step 91. Review
Our review will once again concentrate upon the instructions and your practices for the past week. Give this time to re-experience what happened each and every day and to see this from your current experience as well. Learn how to learn. Learn about the process of learning. Do not use learning as a form of showmanship. Do not use learning to try to prove your worth to yourself. You cannot prove your worth. It is beyond your efforts to prove it. Your worth will demonstrate itself when you allow it, which you are now learning to do. Practice to practice. Some days will be easier. Some days will be harder. Some days you will want to practice. Other days you may not want to practice. Each day you practice because you are representing a Greater Will. This demonstrates consistency, which is a demonstration of power. This demonstrates a greater dedication. This gives you certainty and stability and allows you to deal compassionately with all things of lesser strength.

Your long review today will be an examination of your learning process. Remember not to judge yourself so that you may learn.

Practice 91:
One long practice period.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

March 14, 2013 Round One: I can really appreciate what this Step says about not trying to prove my worth, but allowing it to demonstrate itself. I feel a deeper inner glow of late and a deeper bond with my Higher Self, my Teachers. And it is true that some days are easier than others, some days I want to practice and others I do not, but the will to continue stays with me, and I know that one day of less consistency will be followed by another in which I am able to manifest greater dedication. It is certainly a learning process.

October 13, 2014 Round Two: "Each day you practice because you are representing a Greater Will."

As my practice continues, I am feeling this more and more. It is like I cannot not practice, I am pulled to practice by something beyond my personal will. I do not mean that I am being pulled against my will, I am being pulled by a Greater Will. This has nothing to do with proving my worth, rather it has everything to do with my deep need to learn and reclaim Knowledge.
"This gives you certainty and stability and allows you to deal compassionately with all things of lesser strength."
How I identify with this today. Compassion is not pity, nor is compassion a need to interfere. Compassion is an understanding that everyone has their process to go through; the more they are able to manage it themselves, the stronger they will be.

Step 85 – happiness in small things – being peaceful, still, at peace – this is not passiveness, this is heightened awareness that reveals the Truth.

Step 86 – honoring those who have given to me – I honor those I may be angry at because they show me my deep need for Knowledge, they show me what I do not want for myself. I reassess my own values and come to a deeper understanding of myself.

Step 87 – I am not afraid of what I know. Trust what you know. It is for the greatest good. This is priceless.

Step 88 – my Higher Self is not an individual – my higher self is connected with the higher self of all others and of my Teachers – it is an overarching concept – we are all joined in unity and then our Higher Self is our relationship with each other. My Higher Self is bonded to others.

Step 89 – my emotions will not dissuade my Knowledge. Emotions can be used for my benefit, I can take them by the reins, ride with them, see where they take me and learn.

Step 90 – I will not make assumptions today. Making assumptions is not productive, if I cannot know for sure, then I will not assume I know, make guesses, conjunctures. I will accept things the way they are.
September 26, 2018 Round Three: I cannot do any better on this Review than the last time. I got it then and I get it now. I am sort of in a state of limbo at the moment, waiting to see what Volodya will do. Will he stay for the winter? And if so, how will it be? I had a dream about him last night in which he told me he would not have time to insulate the house before winter. He was gathering and leaving stuff for safekeeping and showing me where they were. He did not definitely say he would be gone for the winter, but that was what he was implying. Wishful thinking on my part? This is what I am hoping. I am waiting to see if he comes back this week.
He called right as we finished harvesting the beets. He asked Sasha to take some measurements for him of the fireplace - he wants to order a door and did not have the measurements with him - forgot? So his presence is still intrusive even when he is not here. He did not say when he would be back.
It turned into a beautiful afternoon although much colder, but sunny and bright. Sasha and I worked in peace and harmony in the garden, harvesting the beets and replanting strawberry seedlings. I took pictures of the autumn vine on the fence.


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