Step Two Hundred and Seventy-Five

Step 275. Today I Seek Freedom From Uncertainty.
Seeking freedom from uncertainty means that you are seeking freedom that is genuine, that is real and that truly deserves the name of freedom. In essence, you either know what you are doing or you do not. If you do not know what you are doing, you simply wait for Knowledge. If you know what you are doing, you simply follow what you know. It is that simple. Unnecessary speculation, the attempt to make premature decisions based upon fear or preference, the requirement that you have the certainty that you lack and the projection of blame upon yourself and others for the failures of your weak decision making are what have taxed your mind, your body and your world. It is this you wish to escape today so that you may find the freedom in the certainty that God has given you. It is this certainty you must discover and follow. By following this you will reap all of its rewards and will become a contributor of these rewards in the world.

Upon the hour remember today’s idea and see its complete relevancy to the world about you. In your deeper practice periods, give yourself to stillness. Give yourself to this encounter with Knowledge. Give yourself completely and let neither ambivalence nor uncertainty hold you back. In this, you will exercise the strength of Knowledge by following Knowledge, and in time you will become as strong as Knowledge truly is. Therefore, today seek to escape uncertainty and all that accompanies it. For this has destroyed the inspiration of humankind and has led humankind to war upon itself and the world.

 275: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.
Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.
March 8, 2014 Round One:

"If you do not know what you are doing, you simply wait for Knowledge. If you know what you are doing, you simply follow what you know. It is that simple."

Indeed, nothing could be simpler than this. I wish to hold this uppermost in my mind as I advance forward with Knowledge, for there is really nothing more to know than this. 

It comes with experience though, it is not something that I can just know without being aware, without consciously looking for the right decision, without taking the Steps to Knowledge, without cultivating the practice given to me, without giving myself ever deeper to stillness. This simply following what I know takes practice and experience. I will keep on diligently at it and embrace the freedom from uncertainty that comes with it.

May 12, 2015 Round Two: I am seeing the relevance of this freedom from uncertainty today. It is surely the attempt to make premature decisions based on fear or preference that has taxed my mind and body so far. I wish to be free of this today and embrace the certainty that I am doing what Knowledge is prompting me do to. I awoke to a beautiful sky this morning. I am once again alone in my new and magnificent environment, reaping the benefits of all the glory that is afforded me here. I love my life here, but I will not engage in premature decisions or garner any speculation based on preferences. I will just continue to live each day as it comes, free of uncertainty.

April 9, 2019 Round Three: A perfect Step again! I am free from uncertainty. I am certain all will work out. This Steps says I either know what I am doing, or I don’t know what I am doing. If I don’t know, I wait for Knowledge. If I do know, I follow what I know. It’s that simple! I followed Knowledge in this decision about the house, building now, and I see no reason for Knowledge to forsake me. I feel certain of a positive outcome. Reading back on my past entries, I can see how I have become stronger in Knowledge over the past years. All that I wanted to transpire when we moved out to the village has come to pass. And I see no reason for it to stop now.


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