Step Two Hundred and Eighty-Four

Step 284. Stillness Is My Gift To The World.
How can stillness be a gift, you may ask. It is a gift because it is an expression of certainty and peace. How can stillness be a gift to the world? Because your stillness allows Knowledge to express itself through you. How can stillness be a gift to the world? Because your stillness enables all other minds to be still so that they may know. A mind in conflict cannot be still. A mind that is desperately seeking for resolution cannot be still. A mind that is turbulent with its own evaluations cannot be still. Thus, as you present the stillness that you are now cultivating to the world, you give all other minds that recognize you the opportunity and the demonstration that will enable them to enter stillness themselves. You are, in essence, communicating that peace and freedom are possible and that there is a great presence of Knowledge in the world, calling upon each separated and tormented mind.

Your stillness is a gift. It will calm all minds. It will still all controversies. It will have a calming, soothing effect on all who suffer under the weight of their own imagination. This, then, is a great gift. It is not your only gift, for you will also give through your ideas, your actions and your accomplishments in the world. Here you will demonstrate the evolving qualities of mind that are required of you as a student of Knowledge. Yet, of all that you may contribute to the world, your stillness will have the greatest effect, for in stillness you will resonate with all other minds, you will calm all other minds and you will be extending true peace into the world and the freedom that it demonstrates.

Today remember the importance of stillness upon the hour. Look about at the world of turbulence and realize its great application there. In your two deeper meditation practices, give yourself again to stillness. Allow yourself to escape the ambivalence and uncertainty that haunt you and that hold you back. Come closer to the realm of stillness, which is the realm of Knowledge, for there you will find peace and certainty. This is God’s gift to you, and this will be your gift to the world.

Practice 284:
 Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.
Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.
March 19, 2014 Round One: This is such a powerful Step and I understand the power and gift of stillness and how the ability of one mind to be still can cultivate that ability in other minds and have a calming and soothing effect.

"you give all other minds that recognize you the opportunity and the demonstration that will enable them to enter stillness themselves"

However, the words quoted above jumped out at me “all other minds that recognize you.” I understand this to mean that there must first be some recognition on the part of others before the gift of stillness can be received and appreciated. A mind still in turmoil and denial, a mind still in ignorance and captivation cannot receive the gift of stillness and will not recognize this in another. This is my take on it at least. I look at the confusion and anger and misunderstanding going on in many minds in the world right now and wonder how the gift of stillness can be received by them, if they are unable to recognize it. I know this is not my cross to bear, this is not something I have the ability to fix or change, my task is to nurture and strengthen that connection with Knowledge I feel privileged to have found in myself and do what I can to express it in the world. I just wish that more people would find it, that the blinkers would fall from their eyes, but sometimes the wall of prejudice, distorted thinking, anger and violence seems too thick to penetrate.

I wish to cultivate this stillness so that it may indeed be felt in the world.

"Yet, of all that you may contribute to the world, your stillness will have the greatest effect, for in stillness you will resonate with all other minds, you will calm all other minds and you will be extending true peace into the world and the freedom that it demonstrates."

May 21, 2015 Round Two: This Step particularly speaks to me today in the context of my recent encounter with Volodya. He seems to be in the constant turmoil of his mind, but he does not recognize my stillness. But then, am I still? I think I am and I am trying to cultivate stillness within me, but am I succeeding? To others in the world, I probably do not appear still, stillness is not yet something I have the ability to contribute to the world. I wish to be still and let things be when my husband does not call in the morning by the time I expect him to or think he should be calling. I cannot just wait and let it be. But what if something has happened? So fear still controls me. If something had happened, I would know, I would not be waiting to find out. Ill news has a way of traveling, while no news is good news. And I “know” this, so why worry? This shows me I am still a long way from contributing the gift of stillness in the world. I cannot still other minds, if I don’t know how to still my own.

P.S. Today, October 11, 2016, as I revisit this Step, I can say I have made significant progress in stilling my mind. I no longer worry when calls are not on time. I "know" that all is well and the call will come in due time. I am more at peace within myself, although I don't know if my stillness is being conveyed to others or whether I am resonating with them.

P.P.S. It is October 11 again, 2017. Another year, another step forward in my ability to still my mind and perhaps have my stillness influence others who come in contact with me. I am more confident in my ability to have a calming and freeing effect on other minds and a positive effect in the world.

April 19, 2019 Round Three: This is a perfect step in the context of my experience in Moscow. I hope I demonstrated to my daughter her own ability to enter into stillness and escape from her frustrations at work. Reading back on my entries above, I can see how I have made progress, even more progress, here. I don’t react, I don’t get emotional anymore about stuff my husband says and does. Stillness is a gift, but I also give through my ideas, actions and accomplishments in the world. I do not wish to inflate my ego, but I feel I am beginning to give my gifts. I am beginning to demonstrate the evolving qualities of mind required of me as a student of Knowledge.


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