Step Two Hundred and Forty

Step 240. Small Ideas Cannot Fulfill My Need For Knowledge.
Great ideas, fantastic images or wonderful belief systems cannot meet your need for Knowledge. Ideas alone can set you on your way, but they cannot take you on the journey. They may speak of greater things awaiting you, but they cannot take you there, for Knowledge must be your guide to your destiny and your fulfillment. With ideas you stand at the beginning, pointing the way for others, but you yourself cannot go.

When you are traveling with Knowledge, Knowledge will extend itself through ideas. It will extend itself through actions, through gestures and through all the vehicles of communication in this world. Therefore, do not be content with ideas alone. Do not think that by speculating upon ideas that you comprehend the nature of Knowledge and its true application in the world. These things can be experienced and observed, but the individuals experiencing and observing them must be moved at the very core of their being.

Therefore, do not be satisfied with little things in place of the greatness of your true being and your purpose in the world. Return to Knowledge, and be grateful for the ideas that have pointed you in this direction. But realize that the power that can move you, the power that gives you the strength to prepare and participate, is born of the great Wisdom and Knowledge that you carry. It requires Knowledge to follow Knowledge. It requires Knowledge to prepare for Knowledge. Thus, Knowledge is exercised even as you approach it.

Do not, then, remain at the beginning of your journey with ideas alone. Do not accept little things in place of the greatness of your function. Remind yourself of this upon the hour and in your deeper meditation practices, once again enter stillness and peace. Come to your practice without questions. Come to your practice without petitions. Remind yourself that in Knowledge all things will be given, all things will be received and all things will be applied as they are needed. As your mind becomes more simple and open, it will become a vehicle for Knowledge to express itself in the world.

Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

January 9, 2014 Round One: Ideas come and ideas go, this has been my experience. Often what seemed like a “good” idea in the beginning comes to nothing, while what seemed like “not such a good” idea ended up being “the perfect thing.” So I am wary of ideas and have learned that it is best to tread carefully, waiting to see where the next idea will lead before jumping in up to my neck. I am beginning to learn that Knowledge works in mysterious ways. All I can do is be aware, keep checking my compass and not allowing myself to get lost in the labyrinths of my own mind, trusting that Knowledge will lead me where I need to go if I keep myself focused on it.

“… realize that the power that can move you, the power that gives you the strength to prepare and participate, is born of the great Wisdom and Knowledge that you carry.” 

I wish to tap into this power, tap into this Knowledge that I carry.

“Ideas alone can set you on your way, but they cannot take you on the journey.”

This seems to fit so well with the current session of the Free School and the chapter for this week "Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action" from the Great Waves of Change. And even though this is referring more to major life changes, I think it is something to keep in mind on a daily basis when making any decision. You get an idea, but it needs more to come to fruition. So you think about it and then you take action. But it is Knowledge that moves you. Without Knowledge, you may see and know something, but if you don't know when or how to take action, the idea, even if it was a good one, will be lost.

Like it says in that chapter:

“The awareness was not fulfilled, and, as a result, it becomes dark. It becomes clouded, and the inspiration is lost.”

The chapter goes on:

“People want to have certainty before they act, but it is the action itself that creates the certainty. It is the courage to move and to change one’s thinking and one’s circumstances that creates the certainty. This is the confirmation. People want to have no doubts before they act. But it is the action itself, if it is true and appropriate, that relieves you from doubt at last.”

I understand this as experiencing Knowledge. This is what I experienced when moving to Russia in 1990.

This is the beauty of the NM, nothing contradicts anything else, it is all in perfect harmony. What is written in one place is confirmed in another. And all together it provides guidelines for a new way of living that is viable, productive, and produces awesome results.

April 2, 2015 Round Two: Ideas alone can set you on your way, but they cannot take you on the journey. They may speak of greater things awaiting you, but they cannot take you there, for Knowledge must be your guide to your destiny and your fulfillment.”

Ideas set me going, but Knowledge takes me the full distance. I have an idea, and if it sticks with me and feels right to the core of my being, I can use it to propel me further. I ask Knowledge for an answer, and Knowledge says “yes” or “no” or remains silent. So I sit with the idea and see where it takes me. Ideas alone can do nothing, they need the power of Knowledge to propel them. Time will tell whether an idea is simply a passing phase or the true fabric of my life.
March 5, 2019 Round Three: Ideas are fine for starters, to get me headed in the right direction, but Knowledge is greater and has the power and the strength to take me where I need to go. I will keep heading in that direction, confident that Knowledge is guiding me and all will transpire as it is supposed to. I have faith that more work will be forthcoming for me and I will be able to take it in my stride.


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