Step Two Hundred and Twenty-Four

Step 224. REVIEW 

Today practice objectivity by reviewing the last two weeks of practice. Once again, read each lesson for the day and recall your practice for that day. Begin with the first practice of the two-week period, and then follow each day step by step. Strengthen your ability to observe your progress objectively. See what happens on days when you are strong with practice and on days when you are weak. Imagine for a moment as you do this that you are looking through the eyes of your Teachers who are watching your life from far above. They are without condemnation. They are merely taking note of your strengths and weaknesses, strengthening the former and minimizing the effects of the latter. As you learn to view your life objectively, you will learn to see your life through the eyes of your Teachers. This is looking with Knowledge. This is looking without judgment. Given this, the mind becomes a vehicle for Knowledge, and Knowledge will bestow upon you all the ideas and the activities that are truly beneficial for you. Allow your Review practice period today to be engaged on your own behalf. Utilize your mind purposefully and do not allow it to wander. Break the habit of thinking mindlessly. Break the habit of preoccupying yourself with foolish and meaningless things. Allow your Review today to demonstrate to you that you are a true student of Knowledge. 

Practice 224: One long practice period.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

December 7, 2013 Round One: This review has reinforced my happiness with my practice. I am on a lifetime journey that is urging me ever onward to embrace the mystery. Of course, I am confused and do not understand, but the world around, I often feel, is in a much more confused and misunderstanding state, so I am happy that I am at a place with a better view. Things are becoming clearer, the mists are parting, the veils dropping, and what I am beginning to see is magnificent indeed. I am entering further into the deeper mind, the mind of Knowledge, and allowing myself to receive it and follow its guidance. Life flows, life is dynamic, life is harmonious, I go about my daily business with a smile on my lips, joy in my heart, and a melody deep in my soul.
March 16, 2015 Round Two: Again this second time, I am happy with my practice and feel as though I am becoming ever firmly grounded in Knowledge. I have a more expansive vision of everything – myself and the world around me. I realize I am more than my body and my personal mind, that these are things I have temporarily donned for convenience while navigating this environment. But there is far more beyond, there is a spiritual presence of which I am a part. I realize that in my present mode of existence I cannot understand everything and there is no point even trying to analyze. I surrender to the mystery, everything is possible, or to put it another way, nothing is impossible. I can play an active and vital part in shaping the evolution of the Universe if I shed my judgments, assumptions, hackneyed beliefs, old worn-out stereotypes, and narrow views. There are vast expanses to be explored, and I don’t mean just in the physical sense, but in the mental and spiritual too. I just need to remain open, teachable, ready for every eventuality and prepared to take action when needed. I am not wandering aimlessly around, I have a purpose, destiny and direction. And I am not alone in this.
February 17, 2019 Round Three: I am beginning this review at 7.10 on Sunday morning. I am so happy with my life. It is all moving along in harmony and I am becoming more fully aware of how I am living the life I have always dreamed of, this is what I have been imagining for myself over the years. This is it! And it will only get better.
Step 211. The work of Knowledge goes on everywhere. I am playing my part in the reclamation of Knowledge while in this world. I know I have great friends beyond this world.
Step 212. I gain strength from all those who practice with me. This will transcend any sense of inadequacy or ambivalence I may have regarding true preparation. Knowing that all minds engaged in the reclamation of Knowledge assist like minds helps me to understand the meaning and efficacy of my own efforts as a student of Knowledge. I gain strength from Amina, Kristina, Raoul, Mathieu, Douglas, Hilary, Ray and many more. And I extend my strength and assistance to them.
Step 213. I do not understand the world so I am free to look again and free myself from my condemnation and judgment. I am an impartial observer.
Step 214. Concepts and beliefs can only follow the experience and attempt to provide a structure where the experience can arise again. My beliefs and assumptions are meant to be tools to serve my mind, to give it a temporary structure (from Step 213). So each Step builds on the previous. I only understand my ideas, and they are not eternal. I must not rely on them, for they do not form a sound foundation on which to stand. I must rely only upon Knowledge.
Step 215. I never feel alone any more. The day I did this Step, I was writing about Sasha taking the cats to the vet with Lyubov. That is happening today, February 17. I managed to keep Sery inside until it was time to go and get him into his basket, although he wasn’t very happy. I hope Sasha is managing. I am accepting the limitations of my physical existence and greatness of my spiritual life.
Step 216. The spiritual presence in my life is forever providing me with the support, the assistance and the guidance necessary to minimize the wrong application of my mind and strengthen the right application of my mind to allow Knowledge to arise within me. With Knowledge I will not become self-aggrandized because I will realize my own limitation and the depth of my own need for Knowledge. This is my experience. I am in the world to serve Knowledge and the world is meant to be the recipient of Knowledge.
Step 217. I give myself to Knowledge. My life is becoming more harmonious, joyous, and integrated. I am less worried about things, I make fewer demands of myself, don’t worry about what others think of me or what impression I am making. I am just being me and giving as I feel prompted. Life is more flowing and easy. Alla contacted me again the day I did this Step and we renewed our connection. I feel good about it. I have put her in touch with Kristina, and I hope Kristina responds, but I am not responsible for how it turns out. I only do my part.
Step 218. I am not wise enough yet to know how to apply Knowledge in the world, so I keep it within myself and allow it to grow. I am doing this. It is hard to put into words, but I feel I am living Steps, there is a new quality to my experience. I feel clearer and purer. I am becoming an open channel for expressing the divine.
Step 219. I relinquish all ambition, I shall humbly follow where Knowledge prompts me to go. Knowledge has its own goal and direction in life, which I am now learning to follow.
Step 220. I am to restrain those forms of thinking and behavior that betray my Knowledge. I am to learn a form of intentional restraint that represents an expression of my power and self-discipline. Again the focus is on holding Knowledge within in me so that it may grow and I may recognize its greatness and power. I feel I am experiencing this.
Step 221. Confusion is merely a sign that I am realizing the limitations of my own ideas and assumptions. I can be confused, that is okay, it only means I am open to hearing the answer that comes from Knowledge.
Step 222. I have no trouble accepting that the world is confusion. And I judge it not.
Step 223. I receive Knowledge so that I may have certainty in the world and so that I may understand my own meaning and value.
These two weeks of Steps have been showing me how to reclaim Knowledge in practical terms. I realize the flimsy foundation my beliefs, ideas and assumptions give me and I give myself to Knowledge. I accept I am confused, that the world is confused, that I need to shed the workings of my surface mind and sink into the depth of Knowledge. I hold it within and nurture it, so that my awareness may grow. I have been so at peace these past two weeks. I have purpose, meaning and direction in my life. All is unfolding naturally and perfectly. 
I spent a total of around one-and-a-half hours on this review. I feel it and have integrated it.


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