Step One Hundred and Thirty-Eight

Step 138. I Need Only Follow The Steps As They Are Given.
The truth of this is so very obvious, if you will think of the many things that you have learned by simply following the steps in preparation. To not participate and to attempt to understand is utterly fruitless, utterly frustrating and without a happy or satisfying result of any kind. We are preparing you to participate in life, not to judge it, for life will hold a greater promise than your judgments could ever reveal. Your understanding is born of participation and is the result of participation. Thus, learn to participate and then to understand, for this is the true sequence of things.

This day remember your hourly practices and allow your two meditations in stillness to become deeper. Allow no thoughts of fear, anxiety or self-doubt to dissuade you from your greater activity. Your ability to practice regardless of your emotional state demonstrates that the presence of Knowledge is within you, for Knowledge is beyond all emotional states and is unfettered by them. If you wish to see the stars, you must look beyond the clouds. What are your fears but clouds that pass through your mind? They only change the character of the surface of your mind, but the depth of your mind remains unchanged forever.

Practice 138: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

May 12, 2013 Round One: There are familiar concepts in this Step - about seeing the stars beyond the clouds (Step 44) and the ability to practice regardless of my emotional state (Step 89). While doing this Step, I was again struck by how little I know, how little I understand, and, yes, how fruitless it is to attempt this through analysis and games of the surface mind. I just need to keep following the steps as they are given and more shall be revealed.

Again another participant responded on the Free School Forum in reference to this step:

I am reminded of a Life in the Universe passage from Ch. 9., "Religion in the Greater Community":
"In a community of Knowledge, you want everyone to become strong with Knowledge, because that increases the power of Knowledge tenfold."
December 9, 2014 Round Two: "learn to participate and then to understand, for this is the true sequence of things."

Yes, in that order!
"Your ability to practice regardless of your emotional state demonstrates that the presence of Knowledge is within you."
I take great comfort in this and it is becoming my experience. I can also vouch that I am beginning to see the stars beyond the clouds. Things are falling into place, my experience is validating what I feel I “know” and I am gaining an all-pervading feeling of how everything is beginning to make sense.

“God works through Knowledge in you,” I read in Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 9. “How Does God Participate in the World.”

And it is my task to reclaim this Knowledge. This is the gist of things in a nutshell.
"How does God work in the world? What does this mean? What are some examples of this? God seeks to reclaim you unto yourself and to bring you back into your true relationship with life as it exists here and now in order to enable you to find your place in the world and to fulfill your specific role here. God amplifies Knowledge within you and calls you to return to Knowledge and to develop a relationship with Knowledge and a reverence for Knowledge."
Again I reiterate, I need only follow the Steps as they are given and more shall be revealed.
November 16, 2018 Round Three: The depth of my mind remains unchanged forever. I can practice regardless of my emotional states, because Knowledge is beyond all emotional states and is unfettered by them. This I understand and experience. I look beyond the clouds to see the stars. I participate and then I understand, for this is the true sequence of things.
Meditation - 4.55 - 5.22 (25 minutes). I went deep. My mind expands in the Third Eye area and out from behind my eyeballs. I feel as though I am going beyond the surface of my mind, deep into the mind where Knowledge resides. I feel it. It is still and impartial, it is dark there. But it is strong, vital, potent. It guides all things. I also am in a bright luminous space - white, blue, indigo light. All is well. I am still and quiet now, enjoying this time of introspection. Not needing to engage. I feel energized this morning. It is cold, minus 12. I saw the stars at 5.30 in the clear sky. Frost underfoot, still no snow. It is energizing to do my morning exercises outside in the cold frosty air and walk back inside with bare feet.


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