Step One Hundred and Forty-Two

Step 142. I Will Be Consistent Today.
Practice consistently today regardless of what is occurring within you or without. This consistency represents a Greater Power within you. This consistency will give you certainty and stability in the face of all disturbances, in the face of all external events and in the face of all emotional states within you. This consistency will stabilize and balance you and in time will bring everything into right order within you. You practice consistency so that you may learn it and experience it. As you do this, it will bestow upon you the empowerment that you will need to be a contributor in this world.

Therefore, today practice consistently. Practice upon the hour, reminding yourself to be consistent. In your two meditations, practice keeping your mind steady and focused, allowing it to settle into itself so that it may experience its own nature. Do not repress what is occurring within you. Do not control what is occurring without. Simply maintain consistency, and all things will find a right balance and relationship to this. Thus, you are bringing forth Knowledge into the world, for Knowledge is entirely consistent. This will render you a person of great presence and power. Others will come to experience your consistency in time as it is more fully received by you and more fully developed. They will find refuge in your consistency, and this will remind them of their purpose as well, which waits to be discovered.

Practice 142:
Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

May 20, 2013 Round One: I am practicing consistency, and it is working! I can feel how things are becoming stabilized and balanced, and I am reaching a level that feels just right. Things are going on as usual in the world around me, my emotional state changes, as it will, but still I feel some strong anchor within, a grounding that comes from some deeper place.

December 14, 2014 Round Two: This feeling of grounding and consistency is growing stronger. Today provided me with confirmation. I was consciously aware of practicing consistency in my tasks today and I reaped the benefits. It was a day that flowed with perfect synchronicity. Also I am finding I can keep better tabs on my emotions. The strong core I feel within prevents me from allowing my emotions to sweep me away. I can be consistent regardless of my emotional state. This is potent, this is empowering, this gives structure and substance to my life. I am becoming more consciously aware of this deeper part of me where Knowledge resides.  

Tom, another responder and long-time student of Steps to Knowledge, shares on this Step in his blog "Steps2Know":

"Empowerment is promised in Step 142. Let’s work towards that."


November 20, 2018 Round Three: I am to practice consistently and all things will be brought into right order and balance within me. I will receive the empowerment I need to be a contributor in the world. Others will come to experience my consistency in time and take refuge in it. I feel I am manifesting this consistency, especially with my translation work. It is moving along consistently and steadily. I am taking responsibility as Liaison Translator. I have a good handle on the .srt files and know how to upload, so I am stepping boldly into that role and asking Amina if I can take that on for her. I also suggested what she might like to translate next. I am consistent in my work, in my routine, in my relationships. I can be depended upon.

Meditation - 4.57 - 5.22 (25 minutes). Upper head pressure/expansion. I allowed my mind to remain steady and focused, allowed it to settle into itself so that it could experience its own nature. I did not try to repress anything. I wonder what it is like after death, just to experience energy without a body? Feelings and emotions won’t be as they are now, perception will be different, won’t it? Do you see and hear? What is your awareness? God is the sum of all relationships. I need to feel this to its core. I did a brief 4 Pillars review - all is well, there is nothing I needed to know in particular, although I did not go deep. I will keep going.

Went up 6 more points on Lumosity. I am now at 1596! I am on a roll, but how long can I keep it up? I feel upbeat and energized today. I feel with it.


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