Step One Hundred and Forty-One

Step 141. I Will Be Confident This Day.
Today be confident that you are in preparation on the path to Knowledge. Be confident today that Knowledge is with you and abides with you and that you are now learning step by step to receive its grace, its certainty and its direction. Be confident this day that you are born of God’s love and that your life in this world, this brief visit here, is but an opportunity to re-establish your true identity in a place where it has been forgotten. Be confident today that the efforts that you are now making on your own behalf will lead you to the great goal that you have come here to seek because this preparation comes from your Ancient Home to serve you while you are in the world, for you have come to the world to serve.

Repeat this affirmation upon the hour and consider it in light of all things that happen today. In your two longer practice periods, repeat the statement and then allow yourself to enter peace and stillness. Allow your confidence to dispel fear, doubt and anxiety. Support your efforts today, for they require your support on behalf of a greater certainty that you are now learning to receive.

Practice 141:
Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.
May 18, 2013 Round One: "...your life in this world, this brief visit here, is but an opportunity to re-establish your true identity in a place where it has been forgotten."
I am taking this sentence as a guide to action and am nurturing confidence in my preparation on the path to Knowledge, understanding that my efforts will lead me ever forward toward the great goal I have come here to seek and the service I am to fulfill.

December 13, 2014 Round Two: I feel this confidence today. It is not just a word that holds no particular meaning, I know what it is talking about and I feel it. A perceptible shift has occurred in my consciousness; fear, doubt, and uncertainty are indeed falling away. I do not know what my goal is but I feel I am heading confidently in the right direction, I feel the strong presence of Knowledge within me, and I feel I am receiving its grace, its certainty, and its direction. This is good and beautiful.

Roses from my son Greg on my 57th birthday (December 12, 2014) with carrot cake baked by my daughter Ursula.

November 19, 2018 Round Three: I am to be confident that I am on the right path, receiving the grace, certainty and direction of Knowledge, that I am born of God’s love and my life in this world is an opportunity to re-establish my true identity. This preparation comes from my Ancient Home to serve me while I am in the world, for I have come to the world to serve. 

I realize now why my perspective is so different from my husband's. He is still living fully in Separation, in a false dimension imposed by the world, that’s not what life is about. And how can God not exist if God is us and all we are made up of. God is not separate, God is the sum of all relationship. I get this now. I get Separation. That is why people see things so differently. I now see from a perspective of inclusion. I am not separate from God.


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