Step Ninety-Two

Step 92. There Is A Role For Me To Play In The World.
You have come into the world at a crucial time. You have come to serve the world in its present needs. You have come to prepare for future generations. Can all of this be meaningful to you personally now? Perhaps not, because you are working for the present and for the future. You are working for the life that you will live and for lives that will follow yours. This is fulfilling to you now, for this is your gift that you have come to give. Without pretense and without uncertainty, this will arise from you naturally and will give itself into the world. Weaving your life with other lives in a very specific way, it is meant to uplift you and all with whom you come in contact. The Plan is greater than your personal ambition, and only your personal ambition can cloud your vision of what you must do. Be thankful, then, today that there is a role for you to fulfill in the world. You have come into the world to fulfill this role—for your own fulfillment, for the advancement of your world and for service to your Spiritual Family.

In your two practice periods today, concentrate and affirm that there is a role for you to play. Do not attempt to fill in that role according to your ideas or your wishes, but allow that role to fulfill itself, for Knowledge within you will fulfill it once you are prepared. In stillness and acceptance, affirm that there is a role for you to play in the world and experience the power and the truth of this great idea.

Practice 92: Two 30-minute practice periods.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

March 15, 2013 Round One: I am willing to accept that I have a role to play in the world even though I may not be fully aware of what it is. All I know is that it has nothing to do with my ambition or desire to attract attention to myself personally or gain praise for my talents. This is not what I am aiming for and not why I am here. My role is to serve in some way and I trust it will become clear as I progress. But even if it doesn’t, that is not the point, the point is to know I have a role and to be thankful for the opportunity to fulfill it.

"You have come into the world at a crucial time. You have come to serve the world in its present needs. You have come to prepare for future generations."

October 15, 2014 Round Two: This Step hits me with full force today. In the time that has elapsed since I did this Step the first time, one year and seven months to the day, I have become consciously aware that this is true.

It is no accident that I am in the world right now, at this particular time, and it is no accident that everyone else responding to the New Message is here right now. Not to be facetious, but there is some method to this madness!

"Weaving your life with other lives in a very specific way, it is meant to uplift you and all with whom you come in contact."

This is my experience today. It is as if I did not take in the deep and true meaning of this Step the first time, at least not the way I am understanding it today. This shows me that a major shift has occurred in my consciousness, things are happening, I am becoming so much more aware that my life is not about me.

"The Plan is greater than your personal ambition, and only your personal ambition can cloud your vision of what you must do. ... You have come into the world to fulfill this role—for your own fulfillment, for the advancement of your world and for service to your Spiritual Family."

The enormity of this is quite overwhelming, but realizing that I am not doing this alone, that I am part of one mighty movement, makes it even more important that I do my small part, perform the role I have come here this time to play.

I affirm that there is a role for me to play in the world and I am experiencing the power and the truth of this great idea. I am also holding on to the understanding that this role will rise naturally once I am prepared. I do not have to construe it for myself out of my own fantasies and imagination, according to my wishes and designs. It will unfold of its own accord.

The picture for this Step's photoquote led me to this blog, where I read: "So many people ask, ‘why am I here?’ You are here as an expression of love – you are here to make a difference. Start looking for ways every day to make that happen. When you do, your energy expands, your frequency rises and you join the flow of the universe to become a positive source of change for you and the planet."

Also today one of the blogs I follow was updated with this post: A Child Will Lead Us Out of Our Moral Wilderness

An inspiring case in point. Malala is making a difference. May we all have her courage as we undertake the role we came here to play.

September 27, 2018 Round Three: I am here to play a role for the present and the future generations. But it is not for my personal gain or based on my personal ambition. It will arise naturally when I am prepared. Now I do not think it has anything to do with the part I must play in spreading the New Message from God around the world, translating it into Russian for Russian-speakers, although that may still be part of it. I think it is building a house here for my children and their children to help them survive the Great Waves of Change. Sasha and I have reached a crucial moment in our lives here in the village. Will we be able stay in Volodya’s house or not? Volodya’s appearance has spoiled things for us and we are faced with a choice - to put up with it or not. But there are other factors that complicate the situation - our inability to move back to Moscow without upsetting things there and the possibility that Volodya will tell us we are no longer needed here - he has other plans now. We do not know. We will have to wait until Volodya returns and then see what happens.

First meditation - 5.23 - 5.53 in front room. Wind and rain outside so the noise of the elements drowned out any noise from the neighbors. I had a powerful meditation. I went to Claire to remove the voices, but they have a strong grip. I need to be mindful that I cannot impose my wishes for her healing on the situation, she must do that herself. I can only open the door. I did the Entering Divine Love’s Embrace practice again. The colored orbs were beautiful and welcoming, each greeting me with love and expansion. My heart felt clear and healthy, warm and dry, lit up with the spiral staircase leading down through its chambers.

Second meditation - 15.58 - 16.28 - while Sasha went to Gorbatka to see about the Internet, but he kept calling and interrupting me. I think I dozed off too, so not a deep practice. There was nothing wrong with our router and not sure why the Internet was not working. It worked fine after Sasha got back. But at 8 pm the electricity went off and was off until 11 am the next morning.


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