Step Eighty-Three

Step 83. I Value Knowledge Beyond All Things.
If you could experience the depth and power of this statement, it would free you from all forms of bondage. It would erase all conflicts in your thinking. It would end completely all that troubles you and perplexes you. You would not view relationships either as a form of domination or as a form of punishment. This would give you an entirely new basis of understanding in your participation with others. It would give you a frame of reference within which you would be able to develop yourself mentally and physically, keeping a greater perspective as you do so. What has disappointed you but the misappropriation of your abilities? What grieves and angers you but the misappropriation of other people’s abilities.

Value Knowledge. It is beyond your understanding. Follow Knowledge. It guides you in ways that you have never experienced. Trust Knowledge. It gives you back to yourself. Trust comes before understanding, always. Participation comes before trust, always. Therefore, participate with Knowledge.

Remind yourself of your affirmation upon the hour. Try to be very consistent. Do not forget today to emphasize that you value Knowledge above all other things. In your two meditation practices, give this statement as an affirmation and then, in stillness, allow yourself to receive. Do not use these practices to gain answers or information, but allow yourself to become quiet, for a quiet mind can learn all things and know all things. Words are but one form of communication. You are now learning to communicate, for your mind is now opening to a greater association.

Practice 83: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

February 28, 2013 Round One: This is very powerful indeed and I affirm from the depths of my soul that I value Knowledge beyond all things, above all things. With this affirmation uppermost in my mind and knowing that Knowledge is with me, nothing else is of consequence, nothing else matters because I am living from my Source.

This Step resonates with what I am coming to understand about the nature of my life. I am becoming aware that my life is not about me, it is about the other people I come in contact with and how I touch them. 

So this Step calls for releasing myself from the bondage of my own life, or in other words, releasing myself from the bondage of myself. The only way I can describe it is “expansive” and indeed, my mind “is now opening to greater association.” This is my experience today.

October 5, 2014 Round Two: "Trust Knowledge. It gives you back to yourself."

My stillness practices are becoming more potent. I do not think of anything in particular, do not ask questions, or look for answers, I simply enter a wide open empty space full of white light and experience it. 

I feel pressure, as though gravity is pressing in on me. I have a fleeting urge to resist it, shake it off, I am afraid of it descending on me completely. But I am beginning to trust that it will not be heavier than I can bear. There is pressure, then it lightens. I can handle the pressure and the gravity. Again I think of a milky or soupy fog, but then it dissipates to reveal something really bright and luminescent beyond.

September 18, 2018: Round Three: I have to admit being a bit baffled by this Step this time. 

Trust comes before understanding, always. Participation comes before trust, always. 

I did 20 minutes of meditation in the bathroom (4.42-5.02). It was potent and I understood the Step more. I understand that my relationship with Sasha comes from Knowledge. I trusted Knowledge back then, even though I didn’t know to call it that. And it gave me back to myself. I will not question or ponder other things, for it is beyond my understanding. I will only give myself to my experience and trust in order to receive. I value Knowledge beyond all things.


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