Step Ten

Step 10. What Is Knowledge?
Let us say that Knowledge is not the things that are usually associated with it. It is not ideas. It is not a body of information. It is not a system of belief. It is not a process of self-evaluation. It is the great mystery of your life. Its outward manifestations are profound intuition, great insight, inexplicable knowing, wise perception in the present and in the future and wise understanding of the past. But despite these great achievements of mind, Knowledge is greater than this. It is your True Self, a Self that is not apart from life.

Practice 10: Read the lesson three times today.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

November 14, 2012 Round One: When pondering this step, I underlined what particularly spoke to me, rather than writing down my thoughts about it. What I underlined was:
“It is the great mystery of your life. Its outward manifestations are profound intuition, great insight, inexplicable knowing, wise perception in the present and in the future and wise understanding of the past.”
“Inexplicable knowing,” yes, I have always been partial to the concept of “gnosis.”

July 5, 2014 Round Two: First reading – this is so superb! I felt this the first time and I feel it even more this time. This says it all in such a succinct and profound way. Knowledge is the great mystery of my life. I am willing to embrace this and see where it leads.

Second reading – Knowledge is greater than anything I can possibly fathom. I can only begin to experience it on this physical plane.

Third reading – Knowledge is my True Self. This gives me an intimate relationship with Knowledge. It is an intrinsic part of me, the part of me that belongs to the whole, that is not apart from life. This is such an important concept to grasp, that I am not separate, not an individual, but part of the Greater Whole.

June 26, 2018 Round Three: First reading (5.00 am). Again I am hard put to say anything more than I have already experienced. This Step gives a supreme and understandable definition of Knowledge. It is the great mystery of my life, profound intuition, great insight, inexplicable knowing, wise perception of the present and the future, and wise understanding of the past. It is my True Self that is not apart from life. I am grasping the meaning of relationship as presented by the New Message. It is much more than the relationship between two people. It embraces all of life, and extends further to embrace the Divine and God. God is manifested through Knowledge within each individual. God is not concerned with me personally. God moves throughout the whole and is manifested in how the parts express themselves. I am in relationship with life, with my Teachers, with my Spiritual Family, with God because Knowledge is expressed through me. I can be physically alone, but I am not apart from life. This is relationship.

Second reading (12.50). Knowledge is even more than the great achievements of the mind, it is my True Self, it is God’s creation, and I am part of God’s Creation. It is the eternal part of me that will never die. I am enjoying my solitude. I can wrap a cocoon around myself and not allow Volodya to intrude and ruffle my calm, upset my equilibrium. Perfect blue skies, hot sun.

Third reading (bedtime, after 8 pm). I feel as though I have been tense today, on the alert regarding Volodya, watching to see where he is and what he is doing so that I can avoid him if possible, not relaxed. I am missing the opportunity to be in stillness today, since the Step does not call for it and I have been unable to make the time for it myself. I am sinking into the understanding that Knowledge is my True Self and that this Self is not apart from life. I like feeling the flow of that.


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