Step Three Hundred and Seventeen
Step 317. I Need But Relinquish My Ambivalence To Know The Truth. How simple it is to know the truth when the truth is truly desired. How easy it is to recognize ambivalence and to see its devastating impact upon your life. How simple it is to see the evidence of ambivalence in the world around you and how it undermines the deeper inclinations of all who dwell here. Seek, then, escape from ambivalence, for this is confusion. Seek, then, escape from the burden of constant decision making and choice, for this is a burden. The man and woman of Knowledge need not burden themselves with constant deliberation of what they must do, how they must be, who they are and where they are going in life, for these things become known as each step is anticipated and taken. Thus, the great weight that you carry in the world is released from your shoulders. Thus, you begin to trust yourself and the world. Here peace is possible and assured even for those who are active in the world, for they ca...