
Step Three Hundred and Seventeen

Step 317. I Need But Relinquish My Ambivalence To Know The Truth. How simple it is to know the truth when the truth is truly desired. How easy it is to recognize ambivalence and to see its devastating impact upon your life. How simple it is to see the evidence of ambivalence in the world around you and how it undermines the deeper inclinations of all who dwell here. Seek, then, escape from ambivalence, for this is confusion. Seek, then, escape from the burden of constant decision making and choice, for this is a burden. The man and woman of Knowledge need not burden themselves with constant deliberation of what they must do, how they must be, who they are and where they are going in life, for these things become known as each step is anticipated and taken. Thus, the great weight that you carry in the world is released from your shoulders. Thus, you begin to trust yourself and the world. Here peace is possible and assured even for those who are active in the world, for they ca...

Step Three Hundred and Sixteen

Step 316. I Will Trust My Deepest Inclinations Today. Your deepest inclinations emanate from Knowledge. As your mind becomes clear of its restraints and as your life begins to open to the greater calling that is emerging for you now, these deeper inclinations will become more powerful and more evident. You will be able to discern them more easily. This will require great self-trust, which of course will require great self-love. To trust your deepest inclinations, to follow Knowledge and to be a student of Knowledge will re-establish your self-love and will place it upon a firm foundation that the world cannot shake. Here you are redeemed in your own eyes. Here you are brought into relationship with life. Here your self-love engenders love for others, for there is no inequality here. You are reclaimed, and in your reclamation Knowledge begins to express itself within the world. You are its primary beneficiary, but even greater than this is its impact upon the world. For in you...

Step Three Hundred and Fifteen

Step 315. Today I Will Not Be Alone. Today do not be alone. Do not isolate yourself in your fear or in your negative imagination. Do not isolate yourself in your fantasies. Do not think you are alone, for this is a fantasy. Today do not be alone. Realize that those who are with you are not persuaded by your errors or dismayed by your failures, but recognize your true nature and your Knowledge. Those who are with you today love you without exception. Receive their love, for this will confirm that you are not alone, and this will confirm that you do not wish to be alone. Why else would you want to be alone except to hide your pain, your sense of failure and your sense of guilt? These things which are the result of your separation only isolate you further. Yet, today you are not alone. Therefore, choose not to be alone, and you will see that you have never been alone. Choose not to isolate yourself, and you will see that you are part of life already. Confirm this upon the hour a...

Step Three Hundred and Fourteen

Step 314. I Will Not Be Afraid To Follow Today. Do not be afraid to follow, for you are a follower. Do not be afraid to be a student, for you are a student. Do not be afraid to learn, for you are a learner. Merely accept what you are and utilize it for good. Here you end the war against yourself, where you have attempted to be something that you are not. Learn to accept yourself, and you will realize you are accepted. Learn to love yourself, and you will realize that you are loved. Learn to receive yourself, and you will learn that you are received. How can you love, accept and receive yourself? By being a student of Knowledge, because here all these accomplishments are natural. You must accomplish them to be with Knowledge, and Knowledge will accomplish them. Thus, a simple means is given to you to resolve a seemingly complex dilemma. Do not doubt the power of Knowledge within you and what it can accomplish, for you cannot comprehend the meaning of Knowledge, the source of K...

Step Three Hundred and Thirteen

Step 313. Let Me Recognize That What Is Complex Is Simple. You think your personal problems are complex. You think the world’s problems are complex. You think your future and your destiny are complex. This is because you have lived in imagination and have attempted to resolve questions without certainty. This is the result of using your personal beliefs to organize the universe according to your liking. This is the result of attempting the impossible, and this is the result of failing the impossible. You have been saved because Knowledge is with you. You have been redeemed because you are learning to receive Knowledge. Thus it is that all conflicts will become resolved, and you will find true purpose, meaning and direction in the world. You will find that you will still attempt to solve your problems for yourself, and this will only remind you that you need Knowledge to guide you, for all your own efforts can do without Knowledge is remind you of your need for Knowledge. Th...

Step Three Hundred and Twelve

Step 312. There Are Greater Problems For Me To Solve In The World. Many of your personal problems will be resolved as you give yourself to a greater calling. Some of your personal problems you will need to attend to specifically, but even here you will find that their weight upon you will diminish as you enter into a greater arena of participation in life. Knowledge gives you greater things to do, but it does not overlook any detail of what you must accomplish. Therefore, small details and great details, small adjustments and great adjustments are all included. Nothing is left out. You yourself could not possibly balance your preparation in this respect, for you would not know how to establish your priorities between what is great and what is small. Your attempt to do so would merely push you deeper into confusion and frustration. Be grateful, then, that you have been spared from attempting the impossible for yourself, for what is real is given to you. What you must do is bec...

Step Three Hundred and Eleven

Photo courtesy of Karthik Step 311. The World Is Calling Me. I Must Prepare To Serve It. You have come to serve the world, yet you must prepare to serve it. You cannot prepare yourself, for you do not know what you are preparing for, and you do not know the methods of preparation, for these must be given to you. But you do know that you must prepare, and you do know that you must follow the steps of preparation, for this is in your Knowledge already. You have come to serve the world. If this is denied or neglected, you will fall into disarray within yourself. If your purpose is not being served and furthered, you will feel alienated from yourself, and you will fall into the darkness of your own imagination. You will condemn yourself and believe that God condemns you as well. God does not condemn you. God calls you to recognize your purpose and fulfill it. Let not ambition take you into the world prematurely. Remember you are a student of Knowledge. You follow Knowledge in ...