Step Three Hundred and Eleven
Photo courtesy of Karthik |
Step 311. The World Is Calling Me. I Must Prepare To Serve It.
You have come to serve the world. If this is denied or neglected, you will fall into disarray within yourself. If your purpose is not being served and furthered, you will feel alienated from yourself, and you will fall into the darkness of your own imagination. You will condemn yourself and believe that God condemns you as well. God does not condemn you. God calls you to recognize your purpose and fulfill it.
Let not ambition take you into the world prematurely. Remember you are a student of Knowledge. You follow Knowledge in the world because you are preparing to be a vehicle for its contribution and a recipient of its gifts. This will require restraint on your part. This will require adherence to a greater preparation. A student need only follow the guidance of the instruction. A student need only trust in the power of the instructor. Your Knowledge will confirm this and will dispel your uncertainty here, for your Knowledge is returning to its Home and to its Source. It is returning to that to which it must return. It is responding to that which it must fulfill in the world.
Do not hate the world or resist it, for it is the place where you will fulfill your destiny. Thus, it deserves your gratitude and appreciation. Yet, also remember to respect the power of its confusion and its inducements. Here you must be strong with Knowledge, and though you appreciate the world for strengthening your resolution for Knowledge, you also take note of the world’s confusion and enter into the world carefully, with discernment and adherence to Knowledge. All of these are important, and we will remind you of them as we proceed, for they are essential for you to learn Wisdom as a student. It is both your desire for Knowledge and your capacity for Knowledge that we must cultivate and that you must learn to receive.
Practice 311: Read the lesson three times today.
All in all I am finding this practice very empowering and am feeling how Knowledge is dispelling my uncertainty and leading me Home.
May 15, 2019 Round Three: I am here to serve the world, but I must proceed with discernment and adherence to Knowledge. I must not hate, condemn or resist the world, for I am here to fulfill my destiny here, and the world in its current predicament can forward my advancement and I appreciate it for strengthening my resolution for Knowledge. It is essential for me to learn all this Wisdom as a student. It is both my desire for Knowledge and my capacity for Knowledge that must be cultivated and that I must learn to receive.
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