Step Three Hundred and Twelve

Step 312. There Are Greater Problems For Me To Solve In The World.
Many of your personal problems will be resolved as you give yourself to a greater calling. Some of your personal problems you will need to attend to specifically, but even here you will find that their weight upon you will diminish as you enter into a greater arena of participation in life. Knowledge gives you greater things to do, but it does not overlook any detail of what you must accomplish. Therefore, small details and great details, small adjustments and great adjustments are all included. Nothing is left out. You yourself could not possibly balance your preparation in this respect, for you would not know how to establish your priorities between what is great and what is small. Your attempt to do so would merely push you deeper into confusion and frustration.

Be grateful, then, that you have been spared from attempting the impossible for yourself, for what is real is given to you. What you must do is become a student and a vehicle for Knowledge. This will activate all meaningful individual development and all meaningful individual education. It will require more of you than you have required of yourself, and all that it requires will be fulfilled and will yield its true promise for you.

Upon the hour remind yourself of this and take heart that a greater involvement is promised which will provide you escape from your individual misery. In your deeper practice periods today, actively engage your mind to review all of your small personal problems. Review all of the things you think hold you back and all of the things you think you must resolve for yourself. As you look at each one objectively, without denial, remember and remind yourself that a greater calling is given you which will correct these things or make their correction unnecessary. Remind yourself that Knowledge will
provide correction at all levels as your life becomes uniform and directed, as your Knowledge begins to emerge and as your true sense of self begins to be recognized and received.

Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

April 24, 2014 Round One: I do take heart that greater involvement is promised and, what is more, this Step indicates that I don’t need to attempt to construe all this myself. As I continue with my practice, as I concentrate on being a student of Knowledge and give myself to the instruction, the small and great in my life will be resolved. I understand from this that as I follow my greater calling, the small problems in my life will take care of themselves. It is my job not to let these small problems hinder me and stop me from striving for the greater. It is very easy to fall into past negative thinking, saying “I can’t do that.” Oh but you can! Knowledge tells me.

I keep in mind yesterday’s step that cautions against allowing ambition to take me into the world prematurely. I keep in mind that I am still undergoing preparation, I do not know what awaits me, I cannot fathom what my greater calling may be, all I can do is prepare, prepare to be a vehicle for Knowledge in the world.

June 18, 2015 Round Two: I seem to have had a fairly good grasp on this Step the first time around. Today I feel dense and stupid. It rained all night and the rain is very verbal here, so perhaps it intruded into my sleep and I did not rest as well as I might have. I do continue to find though that if I do not concentrate on the small things/problems in my life, but just get on and do what needs to be done, life flows much smoother and easier. When I go with the flow, I always seem to have the energy and time to do what really needs to be done.
“Review all of the things you think hold you back and all of the things you think you must resolve for yourself.”
When I did this, I realized there is really nothing holding me back and nothing I really need to resolve for myself. I just need to keep doing what I am doing without analysis and concern. Life has a way of rectifying itself in all situations and everything is resolved eventually. So why get bent out of shape?

The day improved as it went along. I took care of greater things and my sense of denseness and stupidity abated.

May 16, 2019 Round Three: I do not need to attempt to sort anything out, I only need to be a student and a vehicle for Knowledge. This will activate all meaningful individual development and all meaningful individual education. In my deeper practices, I am to actively engage my mind to review all of my small personal problems. I did this the other day and realized they can all be resolved and are not major problems. I see how they are all being resolved. We managed to find the money we needed just now to continue. I did my work and got paid. I trust things will continue to be so as we move forward. I like what I wrote the first time. I got it then and I am carrying that understanding forward with me. Sometimes I still get caught up in the small things, but on the whole I have the trust and confidence that all will unfold as it should, for I would not be here doing this if this were not true.

I spent time as I walked home from the forest by myself after collecting sludge from the river for fertilizing the garden thinking about this Step and what great or small problems I might have. Nothing came to mind that cannot be solved given time.


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