Step Two Hundred and Ninety-Five

Step 295. I Am Now Penetrating The Mystery Of My Life.
You are penetrating the mystery of your life which seeks to reveal itself to you. The mystery of your life is the source of all that is manifest in your life. All that will be manifest and is intended to be manifest is embodied in the mystery of your life. Therefore, your current engagement as a student of Knowledge is absolutely fundamental to everything you will do in the world and to everything you will realize and fulfill in this life. It is absolutely fundamental to your need.

Allow the mystery to be mysterious. Allow the manifest to be manifest. In this way, you will enter the mystery of Knowledge with reverence and openness, and you will engage yourself in the world with a practical emphasis and a concrete approach. This will enable you to be a bridge from your Ancient Home to this temporary world. Then, you will treat life in the universe with reverence and awe, and you will treat your self-application in the world with conciseness and responsibility. Here all your faculties will be properly cultivated and integrated, and you will be a vehicle for Knowledge.

We will now begin a more advanced section of your curriculum. You may realize that much of what you are learning you cannot yet understand. Many of the steps to follow will be to activate your Knowledge, to make it stronger and more present within you and to evoke within you the ancient memory of your true relationships in the universe and the meaning of your purpose here. Therefore, we will begin a series of lessons which you will not be able to comprehend but with which you must become engaged. You are now penetrating the mystery of your life. The mystery of your life holds all the promise for your life.

Remember your lesson throughout the day. Recite it upon the hour and in your two deeper practice periods, enter into stillness and peace. Allow yourself to penetrate the mystery of your life so that the mystery of your life may be revealed to you. For all meaning, purpose and direction are born of your origin and your destiny. You are a visitor within the world, and your participation here must exemplify your greater life beyond the world. In this way, the world is blessed and fulfilled. In this way, you will not betray yourself, for you were born of a greater life, and Knowledge is abiding with you to remind you of this.

 295: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

April 4, 2014 Round One: Today I received a copy of Secrets of Heaven sent to me by a very dear friend I first met here on the New Message forum. It winged its way from the US to Russia and arrived this very day (and came as a total surprise I will add) as I do this Step “I am Now Penetrating the Mystery of My Life.” In bold letters at the top of the back cover it says “Enter the Mystery of Your Life.” Need I say more?

"The mystery of your life holds all the promise for your life."

I am so ready for this mystery, to explore it and gain even the smallest insight into it.

"You are a visitor within the world, and your participation here must exemplify your greater life beyond the world."

I wish to rise to this challenge.

P.S. I just have to point out that it did not escape my attention either that the subtitle to Secrets of Heaven is mystery teachings of the angels. Now can there be anything more serendipitous than that?

June 1, 2015 Round Two: My life is a mystery. I will allow the mystery to be mysterious.
“The mystery of your life is the source of all that is manifest in your life.”
I am particularly drawn to this statement and trying to understand it. Allowing the mystery to be mysterious creates freedom.

Day 7 of the Steps Vigil 2015 hosted by Ellen. Marshall speaks at the end and describes the preparation he underwent to receive Steps to Knowledge and the years preceding this event. It is much greater and more terrifying than anyone who has not experienced this can ever imagine. He says he would never wish this experience upon anyone else, it was very shattering for him, very difficult, but it was required. And those who read and study this book will know that no person could have written it.

This is my experience. I feel it has come from beyond the world and this is a mystery.

April 29, 2019 Round Three: This is a consolidating Step, it draws many threads together, it puts things into sharper focus. All that will be manifest and is intended to be manifest is embodied in the mystery of my life. My engagement as a student of Knowledge is absolutely fundamental to everything I will do in the world and to everything I will realize and fulfill in this life. All my faculties will be properly cultivated and integrated and I will be a vehicle for Knowledge. Now begins a more advanced section of my curriculum. Many of the steps to follow will activate my Knowledge, make it stronger and more present within me. The mystery of my life holds all the promise for my life. I allow myself to penetrate the mystery of my life today.

October 21, 2020 Today I understand this mystery as letting go and letting Knowledge. This does not mean I give up the reins, it just means I am steering blindly, trusting that Knowledge in the back seat is moving me where I need to go. And this puts the mystery of my life in a nutshell.


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