Step Three Hundred and Five

Step 305. I Feel The Power Of Love Today.
If you are not caught in the world’s persuasions, you will feel the power of love. If you are not seduced into the world’s ambivalence, you will feel the power of love. If you are with Knowledge, you will feel the power of love. This is natural to you, to your being, to your nature and to the nature of all who reside here with you. Therefore, as your studenthood in Knowledge deepens, your experience of love will deepen.

Allow love to be in your life today, for Knowledge and love are one. Allow yourself to be a recipient of this today, for in this you are honored and your sense of unworthiness is dispelled. Receive the power of love upon the hour and receive it in your deeper meditation practices, where you practice true receptivity.

Allow Knowledge to reveal the nature of love to you. Allow your love for Knowledge to generate Knowledge for you, for Knowledge loves you as its own, and as you learn to love Knowledge as your own, your sense of separation from life will disappear. Then, you will be prepared as a contributor in the world, for then you will only wish to contribute that which you have received. You will then realize that there is no other gift that can in any way compare to the gift of Knowledge, which is the gift of love. This you will wish to bestow upon the world with all your heart. Here your Teachers will become more active for you, for they will prepare you to contribute this effectively so that you may fulfill your destiny in the world.

Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

April 14, 2014 Round One: “Allow your love for Knowledge to generate Knowledge for you, for Knowledge loves you as its own, and as you learn to love Knowledge as your own, your sense of separation from life will disappear.”

I am not sure about separation from life, but I feel a separation between myself and the rest of the world not engaged with Knowledge. But perhaps this is a different separation.
“Here your Teachers will become more active for you, for they will prepare you to contribute this effectively so that you may fulfill your destiny in the world.”
I wish to feel the more active presence and support of my Teachers, for only with assistance from beyond the world do I feel forces can come into play within the world and set things moving in the right direction.

All in all, I feel I am not really in tune with this love thing today. I don’t really know what the power of love as presented in this step should feel like, but I am riding along in the hope of greater clarity and understanding.

Angel writes about her Love experience:

I am blessed to have had moments in my life in which I saw and felt the power of love, it's vastness and endless depth. It can be overwhelming in it's scope. A moment in particular stands out - it was a couple days after a motorcycle accident and I was saved by an angel, lucky to be alive. I was recovering at a friend's house, and I looked at the rose she put in the window with the lace curtains and the sun shining and like a wave, a profound love washed over me and I said to myself, there's so much love. Unfortunately, I couldn't take it in at the time, but I never forgot that powerful feeling... it is unmistakable. It is only through the power of love that I am able to do what I am doing with my works through me and for this I am grateful. So this step is perfect for me today when I am wondering if I will be able to continue much longer with this situation. The more love I receive, the stronger I become with Knowledge which leads the way and answers every need.

June 11, 2015 Round Two: I did the stillness practices while I accompanied Sasha (husband) to fish in our local river. Yesterday he caught a pike, much to his delight, and he wanted to try his luck again. The sky, trees and other verbiage on the river bank reflecting in the water was ethereal. I was transported into a world of stillness and deep inner harmony. I so appreciate the opportunities to commune with nature I now have. This environment is conducive to feeling the power of love.

And today I read in Matt's blog "There is no urgency on the path of love."

May 9, 2019 Round Three: If I am not caught in the world’s persuasions and ambivalence, I will feel the power of love. My love for Knowledge will generate Knowledge for me and prepare me to contribute in the world, for I only wish to contribute that which I have received, I will to pass on Knowledge, the great gift bestowed by the Creator of all life. My teachers will become more active for me in this regard. I wish to experience this.


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