Step Three Hundred and Ten

Step 310. I Am Free Because I Desire To Give.
Your freedom will be fulfilled, your freedom will be completed and your freedom will be reclaimed forever through the contribution of your true gifts to the world. You who are now dedicating yourself to give and are learning of the nature of your gift and your responsibility as a giver are setting the stage for your own freedom and securing your own freedom within the world. Do not be discouraged that the world does not hold your values and do not be dismayed that the world does not share your commitment, for there are many within the world and beyond the world who are undertaking the same preparation as you. There are many who have accomplished your current preparation who now serve the world with all their heart and soul.

Thus, you are part of a great learning community. What you are learning now all of the world must learn eventually, for all must reclaim Knowledge. This is God’s Will. We are now attempting to minimize the amount of time it will take and the difficulty that will be encountered. Yet, we understand that evolution must take its course within the individual and within humanity as well. Thus, Knowledge extends itself to support the true evolution of life so that life may realize itself and fulfill itself. This process continues within you and within the world. You who are claiming your studenthood in Knowledge will claim your advocacy for Knowledge. In this, you will increasingly become a force for good in the world—a force that dispels ambivalence, confusion, and conflict, a force for peace, a force for certainty and a force for true cooperation and relationship.

Remember this idea upon the hour throughout the day and in your two deeper practice periods, actively engage your mind in thinking about this. Let your mind be a useful instrument of investigation. Once again review all your ideas and beliefs that are associated with today’s idea. Once again realize how ambivalence is still robbing you of inspiration, robbing you of motivation, robbing you of courage and robbing you of relationship. Strengthen your studenthood and your advocacy for Knowledge so that you may further escape ambivalence this day and receive the certainty that is your inheritance.

Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

April 22, 2014 Round One: "Do not be discouraged that the world does not hold your values and do not be dismayed that the world does not share your commitment, for there are many within the world and beyond the world who are undertaking the same preparation as you."

I take great comfort in these words.
"we understand that evolution must take its course within the individual and within humanity as well."
This is something I understand as well. Each person is at a different stage in their evolution and this is okay, this stands to reason, so I cannot be discouraged or dismayed, for things are just the way they are.
"you will increasingly become a force for good in the world—a force that dispels ambivalence, confusion, and conflict, a force for peace, a force for certainty and a force for true cooperation and relationship."
I pray for this and hold it uppermost in my mind today.

June 16, 2015 Round Two: What you are learning now all of the world must learn eventually, for all must reclaim Knowledge.”

This rings deep and true for me; this I “know”—that all of the world, all the people in the world must reclaim Knowledge eventually, since it is the gist of spiritual evolution. I am fortunate that I just happen to be at the stage in my spiritual evolution where I can recognize this. This truly gives me freedom.

I see how ambivalence is hindering. Caution, fear, particularly the fear of reaching out, the fear of responding hamper the individual, keep people trapped in separation. I want to be free to embrace what I know is true.

I opened Tom C.’s latest entry in his StK blog and it was Step 167. With Knowledge I Am Free. How appropriate!

Just to take a brief look back, the first paragraph in this Step says: WITH KNOWLEDGE YOU ARE FREE IN THE WORLD. You are free to join. You are free to leave. You are free to make agreements. You are free to complete and change agreements. You are free to surrender yourself. You are free to extricate yourself. In Knowledge you are free.”

I heed Knowledge and Knowledge gives me prompts. I change my doings accordingly, and a feeling of heaviness turns into a feeling of lightness. I am free to make these changes, and this is wonderful!

May 14, 2019 Round Three: I wish to increasingly become a force for good in the world - a force that dispels ambivalence, confusion and conflict, a force for peace, a force for certainty, a force for true cooperation and relationship. I am trying to be this force for good for my family, I am trying to convey Knowledge to my husband, he has a lot of ambivalence and confusion about the prospects for building our house. I try to dispel his doubts by showing him how things are progressing well, slowly, but well, we are getting things accomplished. The process is underway and there is no stopping it now. He doesn’t seem to appreciate it though. I just need to ignore his quips, his irrelevant remarks and not respond. I need to keep my mouth shut more and just send him love and light. Sometimes I am flabbergasted that we are still together although we are so different and do not gel on so many levels. The true meaning of our relationship must really be in how well we work together on the land and in doing what needs to get done on our plot. He is the organizer, I am earning the money. We make a good team physically, but have such yawning differences in the spiritual realm.


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