Step Two Hundred and Ninety-Two

Step 292. How Can I Be Angry With The World When It Only Serves Me?
How can you be angry when the world serves you? When you recognize how much the world is serving you, which can only be recognized in the context of Knowledge, you will then end all of your hatred towards the world, all of your condemnation of the world and all of your resistance to the world. This will confirm your true destiny, your true origin and your true purpose for being in the world.

You have come into the world to learn and to unlearn. You have come into the world to recognize what is real and what is not. You have come into the world to be a contributor to the world, a contributor who has been sent from beyond the world to serve here. This is the real nature of your presence here, and though it may seem to conflict with your evaluation of yourself, it is true nonetheless and will be true regardless of your point of view, regardless of your own ideals and beliefs and regardless of whatever pursuits you may set for yourself. The truth awaits you and waits for you to be ready to value it.

Upon the hour remember today’s idea and see its application everywhere as you look about at the world. In your two deeper practices once again bring to mind every person that you feel has erred against you, and once again attempt to understand their contribution to you in bringing you to Knowledge, in teaching you to value Knowledge and in teaching you to realize that there is no hope beyond Knowledge. There is no hope without Knowledge. Today’s idea will engender love and gratitude towards the world and will strengthen this point of view, which will be necessary for you to have to look upon the world with certainty, love and Knowledge.

Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

March 29, 2014 Round One: “You have come into the world to be a contributor to the world, a contributor who has been sent from beyond the world to serve here.”

I accept this today, even though it may conflict with my evaluation of myself, my evaluation of myself in the past that is. I am finding as I continue to take Steps to Knowledge that my past evaluation of myself leaves a lot to be desired. I am growing out of my past evaluation of myself, if you will, realizing its folly, realizing it is imposed superficially and does not come from my heart. I am not a sorry, pathetic creature with no opinion of my own and no legs to stand on. I have something to give, I have a small and necessary part to play in the overall scheme of things, and I embrace this today.
"The truth awaits you and waits for you to be ready to value it."
I feel as though I am ready for this, ready to value the truth.
“Today’s idea will engender love and gratitude towards the world and will strengthen this point of view, which will be necessary for you to have to look upon the world with certainty, love and Knowledge.”
I don’t feel angry with the world, I appreciate all the opportunities it gives me to learn and move forward in my reclaiming of Knowledge.

May 29, 2015 Round Two: Again I feel no anger. How can I feel anger when I am here to contribute? Again, it has not been my experience in life, as far as I can recall, to be angry at the world. I have always seen the world as a place to learn, a place to gain experience, a place to continue on up the path of human evolution. The world only serves me and it is beautiful!

Day 4 of the Steps Vigil 2015 hosted by Eron. I got up at 3.33 am, but alas I could not access the broadcast until it was over, despite every effort. I guess it was just not meant to be. I listened to it not long after it ended. It turns out Eron read my testimonial – my Steps experience I shared in an email to the Society. I guess there was a reason I was not there to hear it live and comment in the chat thread. 

Greetings everyone! This is Alisa calling from Russia, my current home. I have been practicing Steps to Knowledge since October 2012 and am currently on Step 290 the second time around. I have been consistently studying Steps during this time and feel moved, after Ana’s prompt at the opening broadcast of the Steps Vigil 2015 yesterday, to share my experience of this sacred practice. As I sat in the sun in my garden in the country this morning after watching the Vigil (I am nine hours ahead of Boulder, so the Vigil begins at 4 am the following morning where I am), thoughts came to me, which I will now try to form into words.

My experience with studying and practicing Steps to Knowledge for the past two-and-a-half years has truly been like a great homecoming for me. It is as though I have always known about this Knowledge in some deeper part of me, but not consciously. Now it is conscious, and its familiarity often overwhelms me. So I find my study to be the most natural thing I have ever done. It is effortless and flowing. It has become an integral part of my being and life. It is not even a choice any more, it is something I must do, but with lightness and joy in my heart, and with a glimpse of the freedom referred to, absolutely no obligation.

And I am reaping the benefits. My life is simpler, more harmonious, joyous and rewarding than ever before. I am a stronger person with a stronger sense of who I really am. The miracle of reclaiming Knowledge is manifesting itself in my life. I feel the Presence of my Teachers and the Unseen Ones ever stronger, I feel their guidance and support. The deep meditation practices every day are truly a time of rejuvenation and refreshment for me, a time when I enter the temple of Knowledge and commune with my Teachers and the God of my understanding. A magnificently holy and sacred time.

Thank you Marshall for bringing us the Steps to Knowledge through the Voice of Revelation. I do feel it is a great honor that I found them, found the New Message from God, found all the responders studying with me. It is more than words can express, it is part of the mysterious network of communication that Ana mentioned on the first day. It is stirring the deep memory that Reed spoke of. Yes, this truly resonates with me. I am preparing to do the work I came here to do.

Thank you for listening.

Nasi Novare Coram.

P.S. I just read the latest post in my favorite blog by Matt Licata. It ends with "For there are billions of beings in billions of stars who will never have the opportunity that you have right now." 

When I think in these terms how can I possibly be angry with the world? I am so profoundly blessed to be here.

April 27, 2019 Round Three: I recognize how the world serves me, I do not have any hatred toward the world, but do I have condemnation and resistance? I see the world as a place without Knowledge, a place that suffers and errs because its people (for the most part) are without Knowledge. I am not caught up in the laws of the world, like my husband, paying tax is not something that consumes my attention. I feel blessed by the world and what it has given me. I understand that there is no hope without Knowledge. I look upon the world with certainty, love and Knowledge.


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