Shcheleiki, Leningrad Oblast, Russia (where error against me showed me a new way) |
Step 291. I Am
Grateful To My Brothers And My Sisters Who Err Against Me.
Be grateful to those who demonstrate the need for
Knowledge. Be grateful to those who teach you that it is hopeless to engage in
any pursuit in the world without Knowledge. Be grateful to those who save you
time by demonstrating the results of things you are contemplating for yourself
even now. Be grateful to those who show you your own great need in the world.
Be grateful to those who demonstrate what you must give to the world. Be
grateful to all those who seem to err against you, for they will show you what
is necessary in your life, and they will remind you that Knowledge is your one
true purpose, your one true goal and your one true expression.
In this, all who err against you become your friends, for even in their misery
they serve you and will call upon you to serve them. Here all folly, error,
confusion, ambivalence, conflict and war in the world can lead you to the
conviction of Knowledge. In this way, the world serves you, supports you and
prepares you to serve it in its great need. Here you become a recipient of the
world’s accomplishments and are given a reminder of the world’s errors. In this
way, your love and compassion for the world will be engendered.
Today remind yourself upon the hour of this message and attempt to realize its
meaning in the context of all of your activities so that everything that
happens today will demonstrate the meaning of today’s idea. In your deeper
practice periods, actively engage your mind in attempting to penetrate today’s
idea. Recall every person who you think has erred against you. See how that
person has served you and will continue to serve you as a reminder. This can
save you great amounts of time and energy by bringing you closer to Knowledge,
by increasing your resolve for Knowledge and by reminding you that there is no
alternative to Knowledge. In your longer practice periods think of every person
who you feel has erred against you and realize their tremendous service to you
from this point of view.
Allow this day to be a day of forgiveness and a day of acceptance where you
recognize and extend your gratitude to those who have erred against you. Life
is conspiring to bring you to Knowledge. As you enter Knowledge, you will
realize the great service that life is rendering unto you, both from its
accomplishments and from its failures. Be a recipient of this gift, for in love
and gratitude you will turn to the world and wish to contribute that which is
the greatest of all contributions. Here you will give Knowledge in gratitude
and in service to the world which has served you.
Practice 291: Two 30-minute practice
periods. Hourly practice.
March 28, 2014 Round One: As I
practiced this Step, my first inclination was to think that I am hard pressed
to find people I feel have erred against me. I have erred against others, but
if I can say that others have erred against me, it is only because I have
allowed them to, perhaps not consciously, not deliberately, unwittingly, but
nonetheless, I permitted it and only have myself to blame. Then I recalled an
incident that happened in the summer of 2012 (in a village called Shcheleiki on Lake Onega in the north of Russia) when I met people I thought were
my friends, people I thought had my best interests at heart, people I thought
were kind and generous, further along the spiritual path than me, showing me
the way. This proved wrong though, I was mistaken and suffered accordingly, my
spiritual development was dealt a severe blow, I was cowed and mortified. The
upshot, however, was that I found the New Message from God and the Steps to
I thought initially that I wanted to follow the path of these friends, but I
was soon to see the folly of that.
grateful to those who save you time by demonstrating the results of things you
are contemplating for yourself even now. Be grateful to those who show you your
own great need in the world."
So these words spoke to
me loud and clear as I practiced this Step. What I realize now is that these
people were showing me my own great need, they were saving me time by showing
me where not to go, they actually provided me with a shortcut to Knowledge.
this, all who err against you become your friends, for even in their misery
they serve you and will call upon you to serve them.'
Yes, I see the wisdom
of this. I have this urge to share the New Message with them.
May 28, 2015 Round Two: I have not
shared the New Message with the people I mentioned in Round One. I no longer
feel the prompting to do so. Is this a failure on my part? Maybe. My excuse is
that I have no reliable way of getting in touch with them. My original thought
was to send them the Allies Briefings in Russian by snail mail, but with no
guarantee they would actually receive them. Maybe I will still do this. The
other excuse is that there is very little of the New Message in Russian so far
and these people do not have the Internet, so links are of little use. Plus
they already have their own path, a path they believe is true and right, so be
During the first deep
meditation practice, I again came to the conclusion that there are very few
people, if any, who have erred against me. This is not part of my experience in
life. Even people who could possibly, even remotely, fall into this category
are not to blame. I did my part in encouraging their vices, and they knew no
better. Some people are just at a place where they are ignorant about what is
acceptable and decorous. This is not their fault, they are simply without
Knowledge, they still have the mountain to climb, they have not made it far
enough in their ascent to see a clearer picture.
Day 3 of Steps Vigil 2015 hosted by Christopher. He has good diction and reads beautifully - he did very good justice to Carolyn's testimonial. The message for me today was "keep showing up." This rings a bell (AA's "keep coming back"). April 26, 2019 Round Three: I get this Step and am grateful to all those who have erred against me, showing me the great need for Knowledge, pointing to the true path for me, away from hatred, envy, conflict and war. I am steady in my conviction of my true path in life, I am headed in the right direction.
It has been warm and sunny the past few days. I am out walking, swimming, sunbathing, digging in the garden, preparing seeds for planting. I am enjoying my peace and quiet, reprieve from work and hear a message from Knowledge, my Teachers, to enjoy it while I can, for all is well and proceeding according to the Great Plan.
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