Step Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven

Step 237. I Am Only Beginning To Comprehend The Meaning Of My Life.
You are only beginning to comprehend the meaning of your life. This will naturally arise in your understanding without your efforts in attempting to conceptualize it. The meaning and purpose of your life will simply arise and be expressed today and tomorrow and in the days to come, for Knowledge is that simple and fundamental. Thus, your intellect can be used to deal with the physical necessities of your life, the particulars of your life and the mechanism of your life, for this is the application of the intellect. Yet, the greatness of Knowledge provides purpose, meaning and direction, which the intellect can never provide. Therefore, the intellect is a faculty that has a true function here, for it serves the greatness of Knowledge.

You are only beginning to comprehend the meaning of Knowledge and the nature of Knowledge. Think not that your conclusions thus far are adequate to your needs, for you are a beginning student of Knowledge and as a beginning student, you will not make the mistake of relying upon your assumptions alone. For beginning students make few assumptions and are eager to learn all that is necessary for them. Be a beginning student today. Recognize how little you know and how much you must learn. You have a lifetime to learn this, and yet your lifetime must be activated and strengthened beyond what you have realized thus far. In time, the greatness that you carry will express itself through you in actions both great and small.

Today, in your deeper practice periods where you enter stillness, allow your awareness of Knowledge to be cultivated further. Attend to your practice like a patient gardener who does not demand that all plants bear fruit today, but who understands the seasons of growth and change. Allow yourself to have this comprehension, for in time you will understand objectively how human beings develop and grow and what they carry within them. When you leave this world, if you are successful in cultivating Knowledge and in allowing it to give all of its gifts into the world, you will then be able to become one of the Teachers of those who remain behind. In this way, you will fulfill your learning in the world by contributing all that you have acquired in the world to others. In this, your gift is fulfilled and theirs is furthered.

You are only beginning to comprehend these words. Today strengthen your experience of Knowledge so that the comprehension of these words may deepen within you. Upon the hour repeat today’s idea so that all of your activities and all of your engagements, in whatever environment you find yourself, are conducive to your practice. For there is no event or interaction which Knowledge cannot bless and harmonize.

Practice 237: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

December 30, 2013 Round One: I am only beginning to comprehend the meaning of my life, the meaning of Knowledge, and the nature of Knowledge. Yes, I can affirm and confirm this today. This is true for me today as I do this Step and reach the end of the November/December session for 2013. This is where the journey of the past eight weeks has brought me, to new insight into the meaning of my life, the God experience, and the meaning and nature of Knowledge. My intellect is limited because it is governed by the physical, Knowledge is much greater and provides meaning, purpose and direction in the spiritual realm. I am beginning to comprehend this and am truly grateful for this comprehension that is opening for me. It has been a productive year.

March 31, 2015 Round Two: This time I have greater comprehension. I have more understanding about how Knowledge works, I am experiencing it, I have specific evidence.

Today I am adjusting to thoughts of living in the country, I have some fears and anxieties. I want it to work out, I want my husband and I to be in harmony. It is an adjustment, we need to give ourselves time to acclimatize, to sink into the reality of the new way of life and make it our experience. I am confident though that we can do it. I can do it. I can do what it takes.
March 2, 2019 Round Three: Almost four years later I can say that my life has taken a new direction and I am surely beginning to comprehend its meaning. Everything worked out here in the country, even more than my wildest dreams. What I wanted has manifested. Now we are building our own house and I am confident we will have enough money to do it. That is also beyond my wildest dreams. Sasha and I are in harmony and working in tandem on this, we couldn’t do it without each other, so now I know our relationship is one of destiny.
The emphasis in the Step is on being a beginning student and not making assumptions, but allowing Knowledge to emerge, which it will do naturally, for Knowledge is that simple and fundamental. The greatness I carry will express itself through me in actions great and small. If I am successful in cultivating Knowledge while in the world, I will be able to become one of the Teachers of those who remain behind after I leave this world. In this way, my gift is fulfilled and the gift of others is furthered. This makes perfect sense and is good to know. I feel I am beginning to comprehend the meaning of my life and it is surely more glorious than I could have ever imagined.


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