Step Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven
Step 237. I Am Only Beginning To Comprehend The Meaning Of My Life. You are only beginning to comprehend the meaning of your life. This will naturally arise in your understanding without your efforts in attempting to conceptualize it. The meaning and purpose of your life will simply arise and be expressed today and tomorrow and in the days to come, for Knowledge is that simple and fundamental. Thus, your intellect can be used to deal with the physical necessities of your life, the particulars of your life and the mechanism of your life, for this is the application of the intellect. Yet, the greatness of Knowledge provides purpose, meaning and direction, which the intellect can never provide. Therefore, the intellect is a faculty that has a true function here, for it serves the greatness of Knowledge. You are only beginning to comprehend the meaning of Knowledge and the nature of Knowledge. Think not that your conclusions thus far are adequate to your needs, for you are a begi...