Step Two Hundred and Eight

Step 208. All Things I Truly Value Will Be Expressed From Knowledge.
All things that are most highly valued in human life— love, patience, devotion, tolerance, forgiveness, true accomplishment, courage and faith—all naturally arise from Knowledge, for Knowledge is their source. They are but the outward expression of a mind that is serving Knowledge. Thus, they need not be forced upon oneself through arduous self-discipline. They arise naturally, for the mind serving Knowledge can only exemplify its own greatness and its own capabilities. What requires self-discipline is to reorient your focus, to reorient your devotion and to reorient your service. You either serve Knowledge or you serve the substitutes for Knowledge, for in all things you must serve.

Upon the hour repeat this idea to yourself so that you may consider it throughout the day. In your two deeper practice periods, engage your mind actively to consider the depth of this idea. You must think constructively here. Do not simply weave images for yourself that you find enjoyable. Do not simply make judgments that you find abrasive to yourself or others. Learn again through practice to become objective in applying your mind. Allow your mind to deepen its involvement. Do not be satisfied with simple answers that you find comforting.

Think of examples of what we have spoken of today, for there are examples that you can recognize. All things you truly value will emanate from Knowledge, for Knowledge is their source.

Practice 208: Two 30-minute practice periods. Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

October 26, 2013 Round One: "All things that are most highly valued in human life— love, patience, devotion, tolerance, forgiveness, true accomplishment, courage and faith—all naturally arise from Knowledge, for Knowledge is their source. They are but the outward expression of a mind that is serving Knowledge."

I read these words and smile, because I see this as the epitome of the truth. Nothing truer could ever be said. I also see that expressing these values is natural if I am with Knowledge and it does not take special effort. The trick is to be with Knowledge as much as possible, so I appreciate what the Step goes on to say about reorientation. It is all too easy to stray from Knowledge. And when this happens, I need to recognize that I have strayed and set myself back in the right direction—reorient my focus, devotion, and service.

February 26, 2015 Round Two: Again I say that this Step expresses a great truth, nothing can stand to more reason. All that is loving, tolerant, well-wishing and great comes from Knowledge, and arises naturally, all other expressions in the world come from the personal mind and are contrived. Things of true value come naturally and require no effort on my part. If something does require effort it means I am not truly with Knowledge. I wish to be a natural expression of Knowledge and have all things of true value expressed through me.
January 31, 2019 Round Three: Knowledge is the source of love, patience, devotion, tolerance, forgiveness, true accomplishment, courage and faith. I feel I express these things, experience them in my life naturally, without special effort. Sometimes I have to make special effort when it comes to the owner of the house I am living in - I see him as a pesky fly and he irritates me. But if I try to look at him impartially I can feel compassion and tolerance. Active use of the mind is called for today, to investigate these concepts. I wish to be an expression of Knowledge in the world. I am working toward this. I am keeping these things uppermost in my mind.
I am so happy and grateful for my life. I feel such peace, harmony and well-being. I feel my four Pillars are in good order - relationships, health, work and spiritual development - all are strong and balanced providing me with a strong foundation on which to operate in the world.


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