Step Seventy-One
© Rassouli
71. I Am Here To Serve A Greater Purpose.
You are here to serve a greater purpose, beyond mere survival and the
gratification of the things you may think you want. This is true because you
have a spiritual nature. You have a spiritual origin and a spiritual destiny.
Your failure in this life is the failure to respond to your spiritual nature,
which has been distorted and maligned by the religions of your world, which has
been neglected and denied by the science of your world. You have a spiritual nature.
You have a greater purpose to serve. When you trust your inclination for this
purpose, you will be able to come closer to it. When you feel confident that it
represents a genuine source of love, then you will begin to open yourself to
it, and this will be a great homecoming for you.
In your two meditation practice periods today, allow yourself to open to the presence of love in your life. Sitting silently and breathing deeply, let yourself truly feel the presence of love, which signifies the presence of a greater purpose in your life.
Practice 71: Two 30-minute practice periods.
In your two meditation practice periods today, allow yourself to open to the presence of love in your life. Sitting silently and breathing deeply, let yourself truly feel the presence of love, which signifies the presence of a greater purpose in your life.
Practice 71: Two 30-minute practice periods.
Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.
12, 2013 Round One: I have come to a deeper awareness of my spiritual nature in
the past few days, or to put it in a different way, to a conscious awareness of
what I already knew, but which had not crystallized into a clear or specific
understanding, if that makes sense.
I am clearly aware that I have a soul, i.e. a spiritual nature that is connected to God, I am clearly aware that my soul, or the spiritual part of me, has an agenda, or greater purpose to serve, which is very different from what I might think it is. In other words, it is not about “getting things”, meaning material things, it is something else, something deeper and more meaningful. And now I am trying to live from my spiritual agenda, express and experience it, and when that happens, everything else just synchronizes and falls into place.
So, as it says in this Step, I am trusting my inclination for this purpose and coming closer to it, and in so doing feeling the presence of love in my life. At this point in my journey, I experience it as a knowing that there is nothing to worry about or fear, since I am living in sync with my spiritual nature, from a place of deeper knowledge.
I am clearly aware that I have a soul, i.e. a spiritual nature that is connected to God, I am clearly aware that my soul, or the spiritual part of me, has an agenda, or greater purpose to serve, which is very different from what I might think it is. In other words, it is not about “getting things”, meaning material things, it is something else, something deeper and more meaningful. And now I am trying to live from my spiritual agenda, express and experience it, and when that happens, everything else just synchronizes and falls into place.
So, as it says in this Step, I am trusting my inclination for this purpose and coming closer to it, and in so doing feeling the presence of love in my life. At this point in my journey, I experience it as a knowing that there is nothing to worry about or fear, since I am living in sync with my spiritual nature, from a place of deeper knowledge.
22, 2014 Round Two: As the first time, I am clearly aware that I have a
spiritual nature that is connected to God.
is true because you have a spiritual nature. You have a spiritual origin and a
spiritual destiny.”
have no trouble accepting this.
failure in this life is the failure to respond to your spiritual nature, which
has been distorted and maligned by the religions of your world, which has been
neglected and denied by the science of your world.”
can identify with this.
am a spiritual being having a human experience, this is becoming increasingly
intuitively obvious.
am having difficulty with truly feeling the presence of love it talks about in
this Step, although I get that when I trust my inclination for the purpose I
have come here to serve, I will come closer to it. I am feeling a bit closed
today, unable to truly open to the experience I am asked to feel here. I
understand on a mental level what the Step is saying, but today I am not
feeling it in the core of my being. All I know is I have a spiritual nature and
that I have some greater purpose to serve. I am not delving further into this
today though, I am merely accepting it as a given.
I did the second meditation practice, Sasha came home with some new purchases.
The electric kettle was on our list of things to buy, but the iron was not (at
least not as far as I was aware). The need for another iron deluded me,
especially since it seemed rather expensive. We have a varied assortment of
irons, but then I don’t iron, whereas Sasha, being a tailor, does. My spiritual
nature fell momentarily by the wayside, since I could not restrain myself from
giving Sasha an earful about the iron. The extravagance pissed the hell out of
me. I calmed myself down by leaving the room and going and washing the old
ordinary kettle we had been using while we were waiting to buy the new one. And
I realized that my old thinking patterns about money serve me no purpose, they
never have, but sometimes I need to remind myself again. I have always had just
the right amount of money I need, never too much, never too little, always just
the right amount, so going spastic about extra money spent on an iron
(particularly since Sasha earned it himself) seemed very unproductive. Roll on
my spiritual nature!
Calling is Awaiting You
have an origin and a destiny beyond this world. It means that life is eternal
even as it passes through this temporary phase of worldly existence.
grateful, then, that the relationships you reclaim unto yourself you will
be able to keep, for once you have recognized another, you cannot forget
that person. The advancement you make here is permanent.
is only your assessment of yourself that can deteriorate. It is only your
ability to meet your destiny in the world that can be offset or denied,
thus wasting your valuable time.
you want to go through birth and childhood all over again just to arrive
at the point at which you are now? Who would want to go through twenty,
thirty, forty, fifty, sixty or seventy years of preparation all over
again? You do not want to go through all of this again.
make full use of where you are now. Your higher purpose is with you. Do
not define it. It will define you. Your calling is awaiting you. Do not
define it, for it will emerge when you are ready."
Passage from Relationships and Higher Purpose, Chapter 11: Your Purpose and Spiritual Calling.
Passage from Relationships and Higher Purpose, Chapter 11: Your Purpose and Spiritual Calling.
September 5, 2018 Round Three: Again I have no doubts about my spiritual nature, but I am in a weird space today. Again I am not feeling this Step, I am not feeling anything to do with my spiritual practice. I can’t be bothered today. I had a stomach upset yesterday and I am not fully over it. I slept badly, so I am feeling a bit out of it. I don’t really want to communicate with anyone or think even. Greg is coming today, but I don’t know when. I am not feeling in the flow of life. I feel out of sorts and tired.
First meditation practice: 4.32 - 5.02. I did the full 30 minutes with no trouble, but no insights or inspiration. So what if I have a greater purpose. It all seems too irrelevant and futile today.
I tried to do the second practice, but was always interrupted. The best I did was sitting on the bench out front waiting for Sasha and Greg to return. I sat in the warm sun and entered my heart center, entering Divine Love’s embrace.
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