Step Thirty

Step 30. Today I Will Observe My World.
This day observe your world, following the same practice plan as practiced the previous day. Observe your world without judgment and observe what you are doing in the world without judgment. Then feel if anything needs to be done. Again, your hourly practices take but minutes, and as you practice, they will become more swift, more keen and more effective.

We wish for you to view the world without judgment, for this will enable you to see the world as it really is. Do not think that you have seen the world the way it really is, for what you have seen is your judgment upon the world. The world you will see without judgment is a different world than you have ever seen before.

Practice 30:
Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

December 6, 2012 Round One: Observing my world without judgment is a worthy practice and I am committing myself to it to the best of my ability.

Having said that though, I must add that it is much easier not to judge the larger world than it is not to judge the immediate world around me, meaning what is going on in my home. The narrower the circle, the harder it is to be non-judgmental.

July 30, 2014 Round Two: It is possible to see a different world when I look without judgment. When I see what I consider to be failures, poor choices, decisions that lead to destruction and death, people who bicker and fight instead of coming to a consensus, I take another step back and look without judgment. This provides a new perspective. Instead of wanting to jump in and tell everyone what a mess they are making of everything, I see instead a world struggling to understand, a world that is doing what it is doing because it knows no better way. This kind of world shows me my great need for Knowledge, my need to practice, my need to make whatever small contribution I can to foster greater awareness and enlightenment in the world. For the world needs Knowledge.

I live a very sheltered life. I am not out in the world very much. Today I am not out in the world at all, I am sitting at home.

However, today is a good day to observe what I am doing in the world without judgment. I am doing what my heart dictates, what I feel is right for me. I am thinking about this every hour and I am happy not to judge myself and take joy and comfort in what I am doing.

There is a great lightness in looking at the world this way. It takes away judgment altogether, particularly judgment, imagined or otherwise, of myself by others.

Let them judge, if that’s what they’re doing, I am untouched by it. I have my own truth and my own reasons for doing things, even if it doesn’t fit the general mold. You just can’t be sure what the general mold is, so why not bend it? Perhaps I am still too stuck in my own small self, do not have a broader vision of my True Self, am still too judgmental, unwilling to join, not ready to relinquish my small self to embrace the Greater Self that is waiting for me to awaken to it.

I am still learning though, learning to observe without judgment, learning to see a different world.

July 17, 2018 Round Three: Another day of practicing observation and non-judgment.

4.00 - journaling in the kitchen.

5.00 - Out front, taking out food for the dogs and stray cats. My world is the epitome of peace and quiet. Heard TV noises coming from the neighbors, someone is not sleeping after a day and night (or more) of drinking. I do not judge, I’m only glad it isn’t me.

6.00 - playing Highway Hazards on Lumosity. I should have stopped after the first game, but I wanted a higher score. Half an hour later I was still playing and my score was going down. Frustrated. Decided it was time to change activities.

7.00 - sharing Step 198 on Facebook and other social media. Glad it was coming along and I had stopped playing Lumosity. Ira, the neighbor, rang at the doorbell to ask for money (until the evening, ha, you can't fool me! if you don't have money now, how is it going to miraculously appear by evening? And if you will have money in the evening, why not just wait until then to buy what you need?). I said I don’t lend money. I won’t give her money for more vodka when I know she has no intention of paying me back. Not being judgmental, just realistic.

8.00 - writing this journal. Sasha is still asleep and I have still not finished my Lumosity games. Feeling in harmony with myself and my world. There is a breeze blowing in the window. Cool and refreshing.

9.00 - lay down to rest. Sasha was still sleeping. Feeling accomplished, because I did my work first and felt I deserved to lie down for a while. I even ended up going up 3 points on Lumosity. Go figure!

10.00 - eating breakfast with Sasha. Feeling calm and happy.

11.00 - out in forest for a walk, picking raspberries, Sasha telling me what is going on in the world. I do not judge, the world will do as it will do. I don’t think there will be any major upheaval any time soon. Refreshing dip in the river. 

12.00 - editing a text for Potemkin - questions and answers about the EuRICAA project on his website. Feeling a bit weary.

13.00 - eating lunch. Tried the dill pickles I prepared three days ago. Very pleased with how they turned out - crunchy, lovely taste. Calm, easy-going, enjoying eating with Sasha, just the two of us.

14.00 - resting. I think I overdid it yesterday, which is why I have the need to rest more today.

15.00 - out in the garden, soaking up some rays. Feeling lazy.

16.00 - picking daisies to dry. Feeling content.

17.00 - putting ashes around the cucumber roots and watering with potassium permanganate to supply the plants with missing nutrients. Got caught in a couple of downpours that lasted for only 5-10 minutes. Feeling happy and pleased with what I am doing. Small jobs make me happy.

18.00 - talking to Claire on her day off. She is moving out of the sober facility into her own apartment with another girl from the facility (also Claire) on August 1. She is graduating! Tea with Sasha, feeling relaxed and happy.

19.00 - time for bed, thinking about what a lovely life I lead, how I enjoy everything I do, even washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen so that I come to a clean sink when I wake up in the morning.

20.00 - falling asleep, feeling peaceful.


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