Step Thirty-One

Step 31. I Wish To See A World I Have Never Seen Before.
This represents your desire for Knowledge. It represents your desire for peace. It is all the same desire. This desire emanates from your Knowledge. It may compete with other desires. It may threaten other things, though it need not necessarily do so. Therefore, the affirmation for today reflects your true will in life. As this is affirmed, it becomes more apparent to you, and you are able to experience it more and more in time.

Today upon each hour, feel your desire to see a different world. Look at the world without judgment and say to yourself, “I wish to see a different world.” Do this every hour. Try not to miss any practice sessions. Practice no matter how you feel, no matter what is occurring. You are greater than your emotional states and so you need not deny them, though they will need to be controlled in time. You are greater than the images you see around you, for they mostly represent your judgment upon the world. Practice this day looking without judgment and feeling as you look.

Practice 31:
Hourly practice.

Here you will find the entire book free for download

Here you will find pointers for getting started if this is your first encounter with this practice: Taking the Steps to Knowledge.

December 7, 2012 Round One: I wish to see a different world.”

For me this is the same as saying "I wish to see the Truth." I wish to see the world as it really is, not the way I think it is, or even the way I think it should be.

However, I am not sure I fully understand. What is meant by the world? The physical world as it appears when I look around me, or situations I find myself in? If it means situations, I can choose the way I see things - either negatively or positively and adjust accordingly, switch from negative to positive if need be. If it means the physical world, then I am not sure - I see beauty for the most part. Or does it mean both?

Perhaps I am missing some vital point here, but I do desire Knowledge.

July 31, 2014 Round Two: I was very consistent today about saying “I wish to see a different world” every hour. I found that I did not even need an alarm to remind me, my mind was right there “in the groove” on the hour.

What did this practice give me though? I cannot say that any light bulbs came on. I saw a world going about its usual business, people engaged in their various jobs, communicating in different languages, getting done what had to be done.

I see this kind of world most days. When I look at the world without judgment, I see the world doing what it has to do. It may not always be the right thing. But what is right? Only what I construe as right, but that is placing my judgment on the world. What is right for me may not be right for the next person.

I am not building fantasy pictures in my mind though, I am looking at the world as objectively as possible, and accepting it as I see it. This is actually very freeing, because I do not feel compelled to change anything. I just get on with what I need to do, what feels right to me, and let the world do what it needs to do. Live and let live.

I wish to see beauty, so that is what I see.

July 18, 2018 Round Three: I am still in sync with what I wrote the second time. I think I see the world as it is, I have no fantasies or judgment. I understand that the world I see is without Knowledge for the most part and my desire is for Knowledge, so I wish to see Knowledge working in the world. When I see what I don’t like, I realize it is a manifestation of the absence of Knowledge and the world cannot be blamed for that. So I see the world through different eyes, through the eyes of compassion. For the world is poor in many respects. The world I experience is made of my desire for Knowledge and the manifestation of Knowledge in my life. I have a true desire for Knowledge, so this is my experience. It is my experience that counts, not what I see before me. It is the way I interpret what I see.

5.00 - feeling calm, clear, full of insights about the Step. This is my best time of the day, when my mind is open. Writing in my regular journal. Feeling alive and vital.

6.00 - just sitting down to the computer, feeling good, made my herbal teas, thinking about how healthy I feel and am. I went up two more points on Lumosity.

7.00 - posting Step 199 on Facebook and other social media. I wish to see a different world. No I don’t. I am happy with the world I see. Today it is cool and overcast with rain in the air. A welcome relief after the heat, but I don’t have the same expansive feeling. I would like to go out, but I’ll probably have to stay in.

8.00 - I found info about the 12 chakras on the Internet to share with Hilary. Finished posting, translated what Doug wanted to share with Leonid about Step 244. Enjoying being free in my translation - translating the meaning, not the words.

9.00 - writing this journal. Feeling accomplished because I have done all I wanted and more. I also promoted the latest Russian translation for the website, done by Diana, Being a Person of the New Message. Sasha is still sleeping.

10.00 - out in the garden picking cucumbers. I said we were going to get a bumper harvest and we are! Feeling good and marvelling at our success. Taking pictures of the red rose that has bloomed.

11.00 - working on the Explanatory Notes text for Shostakovich. No walk, no time. Feeling like I need a power nap. Sasha has gone to our plot to check out what needs to be done in the basement.
12.00 - still working, but feeling very chuffed with myself because I managed to prepare rice and zucchini for lunch at the same time. Now everything is ready for lunch when Sasha gets back. All in flow, feeling very vital.
13.00 - washing dishes after lunch. Feeling content.
14.00 - out in the garden collecting the leaves and seasoning I need to preserve the cucumbers - dill, blackcurrant leaves, cherry leaves, vine leaves. Taking pictures of new red rose that has bloomed and other yellow daisy flowers. Cool, looks like rain. Feeling easy, taking my time. I have time to do everything at an easy pace.
15.00 - doing the cucumbers. Taking is slowly and steadily, even though I feel a bit stressed. I have the process under control and all is going along. Only I underestimated the number of cucumbers I would need and had to blanch more because I didn’t have enough to fill all the jars. I think I managed though.
16.00 - finished doing the cucumbers - 2 3-liter jars of salted and 5 marinated. Hot and weary. Lay down to rest for 15 mins.
17.00 - drinking tea. Sasha finished in the garden right as I felt revived after a short rest. There was another rainstorm just beginning. Feeling accomplished, happy and in balance.
18.00 - watching a boring film by Stanislav Govorukhin Брызги шампанского. Kept dozing off.
19.00 - yawning and wishing the film would end.

20.00 - asleep.


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