
Showing posts from June, 2014

Step Five

Lake Seliger, Russia, July, 2010, when the Seed was Sown Step 5. I Believe What I Want To Believe. This statement represents the great folly of humanity and humanity’s most dangerous forms of self-deception. Beliefs are primarily founded upon what is wished for, not on what is actually happening and not on what is genuine. They may in fact represent the greater ideals of humanity and in this they bear a true reflection, but on a day-to-day basis, and in most practical questions, people base their beliefs on things they hope for, not on things that actually exist. You must have a very sound understanding that the approach to any resolution and to any constructive establishment must begin with current reality. What you are and what you have today must be your starting point. Therefore, in your three practice periods today, think about this statement. Examine what you believe and then examine what you want. You will find that even your fearful or negative beliefs are ...

Step Four

Step 4. I Want What I Think I Know. You want what you think you know, and this is what constitutes the basis of your understanding of yourself and your world. In fact, this constitutes the basis of your whole identity. You will find, however, upon honest examination that your understanding is based upon assumptions primarily, and these assumptions have not been founded upon your experience to a very great degree, if at all. Today in your three brief practice periods, in which you devote your total attention to examining your assumptions, think about the things you really think you know, including things that you have not thought to question before—things that you think you know. Today’s exercise, then, carries forth from the previous steps where you begin to see the difference between what you think you know and real Knowledge itself and the relationship between what you think of as Knowledge and your own assumptions, beliefs and hopes for things. Therefore, in each...

Step Three

"Van Gogh - Starry Night - Google Art Project" by Vincent van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh said , "For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars  makes me dream." Step 3. What Do I Really Know? Today ask yourself what you really know and distinguish what you know from what you think or hope for or want for yourself or your world, what you are afraid of, what you believe in, what you cherish and what you value. Distinguish this question from all such orientations to the very best of your ability and ask yourself, “What do I really know?” You must continuously examine whatever answers you give to this question to see if they represent your beliefs or assumptions or the beliefs or assumptions of other people or perhaps even of humanity at large. Three times today, for 10 minutes each, ask this question and think very seriously about your response and about the meaning of this question, “What do I really know?” Practice 3:   Thr...

Step Two

Step 2. Knowledge Is With Me. Where Am I? Knowledge is with you, completely, but it resides in a part of your mind to which you have not yet gained access. Knowledge represents your true self, your true mind and your true relationships in the universe. It also possesses your greater calling in the world and a perfect utilization of your nature, all of your inherent abilities and skills, even your limitations—all to be given for good in the world. Knowledge is with you, but where are you? Today think about where you are. If you are not with Knowledge, where are you? Therefore, three times today, 10 minutes each, think about where you are, not just physically or geographically, but where you are in terms of your awareness of yourself in the world. Think very, very carefully. Do not allow your mind to distract you from this orientation. It is essential now at the beginning of your preparation to ask these questions very seriously. Practice 2:   three 10-minute pra...

Step One

"Diminish and Ascend" by David McCracken, Bondi, Australia Step 1. I Am Without Knowledge Now. There must be a starting point at any juncture of development. You must start from where you are, not from where you want to be. You start here in the understanding that you are without Knowledge. That is not to say that Knowledge is not with you. It is simply to say that you are not with Knowledge. Knowledge is waiting for you to proceed. Knowledge is waiting to give itself to you. Therefore, you are beginning now to prepare to be in relationship with Knowledge, the greater aspect of mind that you have brought with you from your Ancient Home. Three times today spend 10 minutes thinking about what Knowledge is, not merely applying your own ideas, not merely applying your past understanding, but thinking about what Knowledge really is. Practice 1:   Three 10-minute practice periods. Here you will find the entire book free for download ...